'c_06c','onclick'=> 'return art_del_confirm("/company/msglog/delete/id/'.$data->zml_id.'","Are you sure you want to delete this message?")'))?>
<script> </div>
<div>//Single item deletion confirmation box </div>
<div>function art_del_confirm(url,message){ </div>
<div> message = message?message:'Are you sure you want to delete this data? '; </div>
<div> art.dialog({ </div>
<div> title: 'Confirm deletion', </div>
<div> okValue:'Confirm', </div>
<div> cancelValue:'Cancel', </div>
<div> width: 230, </div>
<div> height: 100, </div>
<div> fixed: true, </div>
<div> content: message, </div>
<div> ok: function () { </div>
<div> window.location.href=url; </div>
<div> return true; </div>
<div> }, </div>
<div> cancel: function () { </div>
<div> return true; </div>
<div> }, </div>
<div> }); </div>
<div>} </div>
Rendering // [html] ?php echo CHtml::link(Yii::t(cmp,Delete),javascript: ,array(class=c_06c,onclick=return art_del_confirm(/company/msglog/delete/id/.$data-zml_id.,Are you sure you want to delete this message...