First download the php Aegis decryption tool decryption
Then unzip it and put it into a folder, and put the files you want to decrypt into it.
Then create a new decode.php code and write:
After execution, the source code file of Code_source.php will be generated.
No problems have been found so far. If you have any questions, please leave a message and I will deal with it in time.
A few points to note, do not make any modifications to the decryption.php file, otherwise it will not execute.
The output format of decryption.php is utf-8, so it is best to use utf-8 for your page.
This tool cannot decrypt itself. I have verified it. In fact, it is just to prevent getting something for nothing. I hope that friends who have decrypted it will not send out the source code. That is really meaningless.