Notes: What kinds of error prompts and error checking methods are there in php? What kinds of error prompts are there in php? >
1.notice: Note
2.waring : warning
3.error : Error
What are the error checking methods in PHP?
1. Syntax check--in the php configuration file, turn on the error display options or add error_reporting(E_ALL) at the beginning of the code
2. Logic check--set a breakpoint before the breakpoint Write log error_logs($message);exit();
3. HTTP debugging--use packet capture tool or firebugs tool to track the entire process of code running
http: // What kinds of error prompts and error checking methods are there in php? What kinds of error prompts are there in php error prompts? 1.notice: note 2.waring: warning 3.error: error What are the error checking methods in PHP...