Use css in html to control the size of an image. The value in css is a percentage. Why does the page display sometimes have the effect you want and sometimes it is very small?
Asking for help from the masters
You need to figure out the percentage relative to whom,
For example,
50% of 1000 is 500
50% of 100 is 50
The specific size is determined according to the size of the container
You have to figure out whose percentage it is relative to,
For example
50% of 1000 is 500
50% of 100 is 50
The specific size is determined by the size of the container
Then why does there appear When the reality is correct, sometimes the picture displayed is very small? If a status is always displayed, it means that the size of the container I selected is incorrect. The problem is that it is displayed correctly many times now. About 30% of the time when I visit this page, it is displayed incorrectly.
This depends on how your code is written
The IMG percentage written by the poster should be one of the following two situations:
< ;body>
The poster added a BORDER to the container where the IMG is located. If you observe it under the different situations you mentioned, you can see what problem caused the size of the external container of the IMG to change.