ThinkPHP framework security implementation analysis_php example

Release: 2016-05-16 19:57:02
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ThinkPHP framework is one of the more popular PHP frameworks in China. Although it is not comparable to those foreign frameworks, the advantage is that, well, the Chinese manual is very comprehensive. I have been studying SQL injection recently. When I used the TP framework before, because the underlying layer provided security functions, I didn’t consider security issues much during the development process.

1. I have to say the I function

TP system provides I function for filtering input variables. The meaning of the entire function body is to obtain data in various formats, such as I('get.'), I(''), and then use the htmlspecialchars function (by default) to process it.

If you need to use other methods for security filtering, you can set it from /ThinkPHP/Conf/convention.php:

'DEFAULT_FILTER'    => 'strip_tags',
'DEFAULT_FILTER'    => 'strip_tags,stripslashes',
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You can find the I function from /ThinkPHP/Common/functions.php, the source code is as follows:

 * 获取输入参数 支持过滤和默认值
 * 使用方法:
 * <code>
 * I('id',0); 获取id参数 自动判断get或者post
 * I('','','htmlspecialchars'); 获取$_POST['name']
 * I('get.'); 获取$_GET
 * </code>
 * @param string $name 变量的名称 支持指定类型
 * @param mixed $default 不存在的时候默认值
 * @param mixed $filter 参数过滤方法
 * @param mixed $datas 要获取的额外数据源
 * @return mixed
function I($name,$default='',$filter=null,$datas=null) {
  static $_PUT  =  null;
  if(strpos($name,'/')){ // 指定修饰符
    list($name,$type)   =  explode('/',$name,2);
  }elseif(C('VAR_AUTO_STRING')){ // 默认强制转换为字符串
    $type  =  's';
  if(strpos($name,'.')) {list($method,$name) =  explode('.',$name,2);} // 指定参数来源
  else{$method =  'param';}//设定为自动获取
  switch(strtolower($method)) {
    case 'get'   :  $input =& $_GET;break;
    case 'post'  :  $input =& $_POST;break;
    case 'put'   :  /*此处省略*/
    case 'param'  :  /*此处省略*/
    case 'path'  :  /*此处省略*/
  if('' // 获取全部变量
    $data    =  $input;
    $filters  =  isset($filter)&#63;$filter:C('DEFAULT_FILTER');
    if($filters) {
      if(is_string($filters)){$filters  =  explode(',',$filters);} //为多种过滤方法提供支持
      foreach($filters as $filter){
        $data  =  array_map_recursive($filter,$data); //循环过滤
  }elseif(isset($input[$name])) { // 取值操作
    $data    =  $input[$name];
    $filters  =  isset($filter)&#63;$filter:C('DEFAULT_FILTER');
    if($filters) {   /*对参数进行过滤,支持正则表达式验证*/
    if(!empty($type)){ //如果设定了强制转换类型
        case 'a': $data = (array)$data;break;  // 数组 
        case 'd': $data = (int)$data;break;  // 数字 
        case 'f': $data = (float)$data;break;  // 浮点  
        case 'b': $data = (boolean)$data;break;  // 布尔
        case 's':  // 字符串
        default:$data  =  (string)$data;
  }else{ // 变量默认值
    $data    =  isset($default)&#63;$default:null;
  is_array($data) && array_walk_recursive($data,'think_filter'); //如果$data是数组,那么用think_filter对数组过滤
  return $data;
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Well, the function is basically divided into three parts:
The first block is to obtain data in various formats.
The second block performs loop encoding on the acquired data, whether it is a two-dimensional array or a three-dimensional array.
The third block, which is the penultimate line, calls think_filter to perform the final step of mysterious processing on the data.

Let’s trace the think_filter function first:

//1536行 版本3.2.3最新添加
function think_filter(&$value){// 过滤查询特殊字符  
    $value .= ' ';  
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This function is very simple and can be seen at a glance. It adds a space after some specific keywords.

But this function called think_filter only adds a space. What filtering effect does it play?

We all know that important logical verification, such as verifying whether the user is logged in, whether the user can purchase a certain product, etc., must be verified from the server side. If verified from the front end, it can be easily bypassed. For the same reason, in a program, logical structures such as in/exp are best controlled by the server.

When the data passed to the server is like this: id[0]=in&id[1]=1,2,3, if there is no think_filter function, it will be parsed into 1 in the following table, and it will be regarded as Server-side logic parsing. But if it becomes like Table 2 below, because there is an extra space, it cannot be matched and parsed, thus avoiding the loophole.

$data['id']=array('in '=>'1,2,3')
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2. SQL injection

The relevant files are:/ThinkPHP/Library/Think/Db.class.php (changed to /ThinkPHP/Library/Think/Db/Driver.class.php in 3.2.3) and /ThinkPHP/Library/Think /Model.class.php. The Model.class.php file provides functions directly called by curd and directly provides external interfaces. The functions in Driver.class.php are indirectly called by curd operations.

M('user')->where($map)->find();  //在user表根据$map的条件检索出一条数据

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Briefly talk about TP’s processing ideas:

First instantiate the Model class into a user object, and then call the where function in the user object to process $map, that is, perform some formatting on $map and assign it to the member variable $options of the user object (if there are other For coherent operations, values ​​are first assigned to the corresponding member variables of the user object instead of directly splicing SQL statements. Therefore, when writing coherent operations, there is no need to consider the order of keywords like splicing SQL statements), and then calling the find function.

The find function will call the underlying function - select in the driver class to obtain data. When it comes to the select function, it's another story.

In addition to curd operations, select also handles pdo binding. We only care about curd operations here, so we call buildSelectSql in select to process paging information, and call parseSQL to assemble SQL statements in the established order.

Although all the parameters required to splice SQL statements have been placed in member variables, the format is not uniform. It may be in string format, it may be in array format, or it may be the special query format provided by TP , for example: $data['id']=array('gt','100');, so before splicing, the respective processing functions must be called for unified formatting. I chose parseWhere, a complex example, for analysis.

Regarding security, if you use the I function to obtain data, htmlspecialchars processing will be performed by default, which can effectively resist XSS attacks, but has little impact on SQL injection.

When filtering symbols related to SQL injection, TP’s approach is very clever: first process the user’s input according to normal logic, and then perform safe processing in functions such as parseWhere and parseHaving that are closest to the final SQL statement. This order avoids injection during processing.

Of course, the most common processing method is addslashes. According to the former waves who died on the beach, it is recommended to use mysql_real_escape_string for filtering, but this function can only be used if the database has been connected.

I feel like TP can do some optimization in this area. After all, everyone who has reached this point is connected to the database.

Well, next, the analysis begins:

Let’s talk about a few member variables in the Model object:

// 主键名称
protected $pk   = 'id';
// 字段信息
protected $fields = array();
// 数据信息
protected $data  = array();
// 查询表达式参数
protected $options = array();
// 链操作方法列表
protected $methods = array('strict','order','alias','having','group','lock','distinct','auto','filter','validate','result','token','index','force')
public function where($where,$parse=null){
  if(!is_null($parse) && is_string($where)) { 
    if(!is_array($parse)){ $parse = func_get_args();array_shift($parse);}
    $parse = array_map(array($this->db,'escapeString'),$parse);
    $where = vsprintf($where,$parse); //vsprintf() 函数把格式化字符串写入变量中
    $where =  get_object_vars($where);
  if(is_string($where) && '' != $where){
    $map  =  array();
    $map['_string']  =  $where;
    $where =  $map;
    $this->options['where'] =  array_merge($this->options['where'],$where);
    $this->options['where'] =  $where;
  return $this;
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//model.class.php  行721  版本3.2.3
public function find($options=array()) {
  if(is_numeric($options) || is_string($options)){ /*如果传递过来的数据是字符串,不是数组*/
    $where[$this->getPk()] =  $options;
    $options        =  array();
    $options['where']    =  $where; /*提取出查询条件,并赋值*/
  // 根据主键查找记录
  $pk = $this->getPk();
  if (is_array($options) && (count($options) > 0) && is_array($pk)) {
  $options['limit']  =  1;                 // 总是查找一条记录
  $options      =  $this->_parseOptions($options);   // 分析表达式
  $resultSet = $this->db->select($options);
  if(false === $resultSet){  return false;}
  if(empty($resultSet)) {  return null; }      // 查询结果为空    
  if(is_string($resultSet)){  return $resultSet;}  //查询结果为字符串
  // 读取数据后的处理,此处省略简写
  $this->data = $this->_read_data($resultSet[0]);
  return $this->data;

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protected function _parseOptions($options=array()) { //分析表达式
    $options = array_merge($this->options,$options);
  $options['model']    =  $this->name;// 记录操作的模型名称
  if(isset($options['where']) && is_array($options['where']) && !empty($fields) && !isset($options['join'])){
    foreach ($options['where'] as $key=>$val){
      $key = trim($key);
      if(in_array($key,$fields,true)){  //如果$key在数据库字段内,过滤以及强制类型转换之
        if(is_scalar($val)) { 
        /*is_scalar 检测是否为标量。标量是指integer、float、string、boolean的变量,array则不是标量。*/     
      }elseif(!is_numeric($key) && '_' != substr($key,0,1) && false === strpos($key,'.') && false === strpos($key,'(') && false === strpos($key,'|') && false === strpos($key,'&')){
        // 如果$key不是数字且第一个字符不是_,不存在.(|&等特殊字符
        if(!empty($this->options['strict'])){  //如果是strict模式,抛出异常
        unset($options['where'][$key]); //unset掉对应的值
  $this->options =  array();      // 查询过后清空sql表达式组装 避免影响下次查询
  $this->_options_filter($options);    // 表达式过滤
  return $options;

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// 数据库表达式
protected $exp = array('eq'=>'=','neq'=>'<>','gt'=>'>','egt'=>'>=','lt'=>'<','elt'=>'<=','notlike'=>'NOT LIKE','like'=>'LIKE','in'=>'IN','notin'=>'NOT IN','not in'=>'NOT IN','between'=>'BETWEEN','not between'=>'NOT BETWEEN','notbetween'=>'NOT BETWEEN');
// 查询表达式
// 当前SQL指令
protected $queryStr  = '';
// 参数绑定
protected $bind     =  array();
public function select($options=array()) {
  $this->model =  $options['model'];
  $sql  = $this->buildSelectSql($options);
  $result  = $this->query($sql,!empty($options['fetch_sql']) &#63; true : false);
  return $result;

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public function buildSelectSql($options=array()) {
  if(isset($options['page'])) {
  $sql =  $this->parseSql($this->selectSql,$options);
  return $sql;
/* 替换SQL语句中表达式*/
public function parseSql($sql,$options=array()){
  $sql  = str_replace(
  return $sql;

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protected function parseWhere($where) {
  $whereStr = '';
  if(is_string($where)) {   // 直接使用字符串条件
    $whereStr = $where;
  else{            // 使用数组表达式
    /*设定逻辑规则,如or and xor等,默认为and,此处省略*/
    $operate=' AND ';
    foreach ($where as $key=>$val){
      if(0===strpos($key,'_')) {  // 解析特殊条件表达式
        $whereStr  .= $this->parseThinkWhere($key,$val);
      else{            // 查询字段的安全过滤
        $multi = is_array($val) && isset($val['_multi']); //判断是否有复合查询
        $key  = trim($key);
        /*处理字段中包含的| &逻辑*/
        if(strpos($key,'|')) { // 支持 name|title|nickname 方式定义查询字段
          $whereStr .= $this->parseWhereItem($this->parseKey($key),$val);
      $whereStr .= $operate;
    $whereStr = substr($whereStr,0,-strlen($operate));
  return empty($whereStr)&#63;'':' WHERE '.$whereStr;
// where子单元分析
protected function parseWhereItem($key,$val) {
  $whereStr = '';
      $exp  =  strtolower($val[0]);
        $whereStr .= $key.' '.$this->exp[$exp].' '.$this->parseValue($val[1]);
      elseif(preg_match('/^(notlike|like)$/',$exp)){// 模糊查找,$map['name']=array('like','thinkphp%');
        if(is_array($val[1])) { //解析格式如下:$map['b'] =array('notlike',array('%thinkphp%','%tp'),'AND');
          $likeLogic =  isset($val[2])&#63;strtoupper($val[2]):'OR';  //如果没有设定逻辑结构,则默认为OR
            /* 根据逻辑结构,组合语句,此处省略*/
            $whereStr .= '('.implode(' '.$likeLogic.' ',$like).')';             
          $whereStr .= $key.' '.$this->exp[$exp].' '.$this->parseValue($val[1]);
      }elseif('bind' == $exp ){ // 使用表达式,pdo数据绑定
        $whereStr .= $key.' = :'.$val[1];
      }elseif('exp' == $exp ){ // 使用表达式 $map['id'] = array('exp',' IN (1,3,8) ');
        $whereStr .= $key.' '.$val[1];
      }elseif(preg_match('/^(notin|not in|in)$/',$exp)){ //IN运算 $map['id'] = array('not in','1,5,8');
        if(isset($val[2]) && 'exp'==$val[2]){
          $whereStr .= $key.' '.$this->exp[$exp].' '.$val[1];
          if(is_string($val[1])) {
             $val[1] = explode(',',$val[1]);
          $zone   =  implode(',',$this->parseValue($val[1]));
          $whereStr .= $key.' '.$this->exp[$exp].' ('.$zone.')';
      }elseif(preg_match('/^(notbetween|not between|between)$/',$exp)){ //BETWEEN运算
        $data = is_string($val[1])&#63; explode(',',$val[1]):$val[1];
        $whereStr .= $key.' '.$this->exp[$exp].' '.$this->parseValue($data[0]).' AND '.$this->parseValue($data[1]);
      }else{ //否则抛出异常
    else{  //解析如:$map['status&score&title'] =array('1',array('gt','0'),'thinkphp','_multi'=>true);
      $count = count($val);
      $rule = isset($val[$count-1]) &#63; (is_array($val[$count-1]) &#63; strtoupper($val[$count-1][0]) : strtoupper($val[$count-1]) ) : '' ; 
        $count = $count -1;
        $rule  = 'AND';
        $data = is_array($val[$i])&#63;$val[$i][1]:$val[$i];
        if('exp'==strtolower($val[$i][0])) {
          $whereStr .= $key.' '.$data.' '.$rule.' ';
          $whereStr .= $this->parseWhereItem($key,$val[$i]).' '.$rule.' ';
      $whereStr = '( '.substr($whereStr,0,-4).' )';
  else {
    $likeFields  =  $this->config['db_like_fields'];
    if($likeFields && preg_match('/^('.$likeFields.')$/i',$key)) {
      $whereStr .= $key.' LIKE '.$this->parseValue('%'.$val.'%');
    }else {
      $whereStr .= $key.' = '.$this->parseValue($val);
  return $whereStr;
protected function parseThinkWhere($key,$val) {   //解析特殊格式的条件
  $whereStr  = '';
  switch($key) {
    case '_string':$whereStr = $val;break;                 // 字符串模式查询条件
    case '_complex':$whereStr = substr($this->parseWhere($val),6);break;  // 复合查询条件
    case '_query':// 字符串模式查询条件
  return '( '.$whereStr.' )';

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