<script> <br>//Define a javascript class<br>function JsClass(privateParam/* */,publicParam){//Constructor<br>var priMember = privateParam; //Private variable<br>this.pubMember = publicParam; //Public variable<br>//Define private method <br>function priMethod(){ <br>return "priMethod()"; <br>} <br>//Define privileged methods<br>//Privileged methods can access all members<br>this.privilegedMethod = function( ){ <br>var str = "This is a privileged method, I called
"; <br>str = " Private variable: " priMember "n"; <br>str = " Private method: " priMethod() "n"; <br>str = " Public variable: " this.pubMember "n" ; <br>str = "Public method:" this.pubMethod(); <br><br>return str; <br>} <br>} <br>//Add public method <br>//Cannot call private Variables and methods <br>JsClass.prototype.pubMethod = function(){ <br>return "pubMethod()"; <br>} <br><br>//Use an instance of JsClass <br>JsObject = new JsClass( "priMember","pubMember"); <br><br>//alert(JsObject.pubMember);//Pop up pubMember information<br>//alert(JsObject.priMember);//Pop up undefined information<br>/ /alert(JsObject.pubMethod());//Pop up pubMethod information<br>//alert(JsObject.priMethod());//Pop up the error "The object does not support this property or method"<br>alert(JsObject. privilegedMethod()); <br></script>