Dynamically loading JavaScript/Csss files
The traditional method of loading external JavaScript (*.js) or Css (*.css) files is to add them directly in the
These files will be loaded synchronously to the current page in this way.
Now load JavaScript/Css files dynamically:
Create a "script" or "link" element using the DOM createElement method
Set the corresponding attributes
Use appendChild Method, insert the created element at the end of the head tag
function loadjscssfile(filename, filetype){
//If the file type is .js, create a script tag and set the corresponding attributes
if (filetype=="js"){
var fileref=document. createElement('script');
fileref.setAttribute("src", filename);
//if file If the type is .css, create a script tag and set the corresponding attributes
else if (filetype=="css"){
var fileref=document.createElement("link");
fileref.setAttribute( "rel", "stylesheet");
fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
fileref.setAttribute("href", filename);
if ( typeof fileref!="undefined")
//Dynamicly add a .js file
loadjscssfile("myscript .js", "js");
//Dynamicly add a .php file just like adding a .js file
loadjscssfile("javascript.php", "js");
//Dynamic one .css file
loadjscssfile("mystyle.css", "css");
In order to prevent the same js/css file from being loaded multiple times, add the following judgment (this is just Rough detection)
//Temporarily loaded file name
var filesadded="";
function checkloadjscssfile(filename, filetype){
if (filesadded.indexOf("[" filename "]")==-1){
loadjscssfile( filename, filetype);
//Save [filename] into filesadded
filesadded ="[" filename "]";
alert("file already added!" );
//Load for the first time
checkloadjscssfile("myscript.js", "js");
//Load the same file repeatedly, failed
checkloadjscssfile("myscript.js", "js");
Dynamic deletion of JavaScript/Csss files
Note: There is a bug when dynamically deleting styles under ie6/7. 2 types Solution: 1. Do not have an import style sheet in the style sheet. 2. Set the type attribute of the link to a null value, then modify the href location, or directly set the href to null, and finally set the type value to "text/ css" forces IE to interpret the new style sheet.
Get the corresponding DOM element
Locate the element according to the file name & file type
Use DOM removeChild to delete a "script" or "link" element
function removejscssfile(filename, filetype){
//Judge the file type
var targetelement=(filetype == "js")? "script" : (filetype=="css")? "link" : "none";
//Judge the file name
var targetattr=(filetype=="js") ? "src" : (filetype=="css")? "href" : "none";
var allsuspects=document.getElementsByTagName(targetelement);
//Traverse elements and delete matching elements
for (var i=allsuspects.length; i>=0; i--){
if (allsuspects[i] && allsuspects[i].getAttribute(targetattr)!=null && allsuspects[i].getAttribute( targetattr).indexOf(filename)!=-1)
removejscssfile("somescript.js ", "js");
removejscssfile("somestyle.css", "css");
Dynamicly update JavaScript/Csss files
Use createElement to create the JavaScript/Css element
Find the element to be replaced
Replace the element with replaceChild
function createjscssfile(filename, filetype){
if (filetype=="js"){ //filename이 외부 JavaScript 파일인 경우
var fileref=document.createElement('script')
fileref.setAttribute("src", filename)
else if (filetype=="css"){ // filename이 외부 CSS 파일인 경우
var fileref=document.createElement("link")
fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet")
fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/ css")
fileref.setAttribute("href", filename)
return fileref
function replacementjscssfile(oldfilename, newfilename, filetype){
var targetelement =(파일 유형=="js")? "스크립트": (filetype=="css")? "링크": "없음";
var targetattr=(filetype=="js")? "src": (파일 유형=="css")? "href" : "없음";
var allsuspects=document.getElementsByTagName(targetelement);
for (var i=allsuspects.length; i>=0; i--){
if (allsuspects[i] && allsuspects[i].getAttribute(targetattr)!=null && allsuspects[i]. getAttribute(targetattr).indexOf(oldfilename)!=-1){
var newelement=createjscssfile(newfilename, filetype);
allsuspects[i].parentNode.replaceChild(newelement, allsuspects[i]);
//용 "newscript.js" 替换 "oldscript.js"
replacejscssfile("oldscript.js", "newscript.js", "js") ;
//용 "newscript.css" 替换 "oldscript.css"
replacejscssfile("oldstyle.css", "newscript.css","css");