"Digimon: New Age" - Loyal to the original work, creating a new digital world "Digimon: New Age" was jointly created by Bandai Namco and Qixia Interactive Entertainment. After three years of careful production, it obtained the copyright owner Full supervision and support. The game takes the original plot as the main axis, integrates the classic plot of the original animation, is loyal to the IP setting, and strives to present an authentic Digimon world to players. PHP editor Strawberry went deep into the behind-the-scenes of game development and learned exclusively about the story behind the game development. Let us follow the editor's perspective, appreciate the charm of this Digimon mobile game, and start an adventure journey to regain childhood.
How to delete too many Digimon in Digimon New Age Mobile Game?
First of all, after we come to the game world of Digimon New Age, on the Digimon page, you can see that Digimon fills the table, select any Digimon;
Click the absorb evolution button;
After selecting the extra Digimon, click OK;
Finally click Evolve to absorb excess Digimon and reduce the Digimon list.
The above is the detailed content of How to delete characters in Digimon New Age? How to delete too many Digimon in Digimon New Age?. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!