On the Bitget exchange, you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies by following these steps: Register and top up funds Find a trading pair: Buy cryptocurrencies (BTC/USDT, for example) Place an order: Enter the quantity and price, select "Limit Order" to monitor the order For selling cryptocurrency, the steps are similar, but choose a selling trading pair (BTC/USDT, for example)
Bitget Exchange Buying and Selling Guide and Beginner’s Notes
The process of buying and selling cryptocurrency on Bitget Exchange is simple And directly. The following guide will walk you through the steps and precautions.
How to buy cryptocurrencies on Bitget exchange
Register and verify account: Create an account on Bitget official website and complete identity verification.
Add funds: Add fiat currency to your account via bank transfer, credit/debit card or other supported payment methods.
Find the trading pair: In the trading interface, select the trading pair between the cryptocurrency and the fiat currency you want to buy (for example, BTC/USDT).
Place a Limit Order: Enter the quantity and price you wish to purchase and select the "Limit Order" option. This will create an order that will be executed when the specified price is reached.
Monitor your order: Your order will be processed immediately. You can check the status of your order at any time in the Orders tab.
How to Sell Cryptocurrency on Bitget Exchange
Choose a trading pair: Find the trading pair where you hold crypto versus fiat (for example, BTC/USDT).
Place a Limit Order: Enter the quantity and price you wish to sell and select the "Limit Order" option.
Monitor your order: Your order will be processed immediately. You can check the status of your order at any time in the Orders tab.
Withdraw funds: Once your order is executed, you can withdraw funds to your bank account or other supported platforms.
Note for Newbies
Platform Security: Make sure to use a strong password and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to protect your account.
Market Volatility: The cryptocurrency market fluctuates frequently, so understand the risks before trading.
Transaction Fees: Bitget charges a small transaction fee for buying and selling cryptocurrencies.
Customer Support: Bitget provides 24/7 customer support, you can contact them at any time if you encounter any problems.
Invest carefully: Only invest what you are willing to lose and do in-depth research on your investments.
The above is the detailed content of How to buy and sell coins on Bitget exchange? Things newbies to Bitget exchange need to know. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!