Structuring thecomponentsfolder of a Frontend project is important. Because it makes developing and maintaining projects easier. Especially when dealing with large or complex components, organizing folders helps keep your code organized and easier to find and understand.
Here is thecomponentsfolder structure in various formats. Commonly used in projects developed usingNext.jsandTypeScript:
Atomic Designis a design concept that divides components according to their complexity and functionality. It is divided into 5 levels: Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Templates, and Pages.
src/ └── components/ ├── atoms/ # Small, reusable elements (e.g., buttons, inputs) │ ├── Button.tsx │ ├── Input.tsx │ ├── Icon.tsx │ └── ... # Additional atoms │ ├── molecules/ # Combinations of atoms (e.g., form groups) │ ├── FormInput.tsx │ ├── NavLink.tsx │ └── ... # Additional molecules │ ├── organisms/ # Complex UI components (e.g., headers, cards) │ ├── Header.tsx │ ├── Card.tsx │ ├── Footer.tsx │ └── ... # Additional organisms │ ├── templates/ # Page templates (layouts with placeholders) │ ├── MainLayout.tsx │ ├── DashboardLayout.tsx │ └── ... # Additional templates │ └── pages/ # Page-specific components (used directly in pages) ├── HomePage.tsx ├── AboutPage.tsx └── ... # Additional page components
import React from 'react'; interface ButtonProps { label: string; onClick: () => void; type?: 'button' | 'submit' | 'reset'; disabled?: boolean; } const Button: React.FC= ({ label, onClick, type = 'button', disabled = false }) => ( ); export default Button;
import React from 'react'; import Input from '../atoms/Input'; import Label from '../atoms/Label'; interface FormInputProps { label: string; value: string; onChange: (value: string) => void; } const FormInput: React.FC= ({ label, value, onChange }) => ( ); export default FormInput;
import React from 'react'; import NavLink from '../molecules/NavLink'; import Logo from '../atoms/Logo'; const Header: React.FC = () => (); export default Header;
Structures that separate components by feature or module are popular in feature-rich projects. Helps manage and expand features efficiently
src/ └── components/ ├── authentication/ # Components related to authentication │ ├── Login.tsx │ ├── Signup.tsx │ └── PasswordReset.tsx │ ├── dashboard/ # Components specific to the dashboard │ ├── DashboardHeader.tsx │ ├── DashboardSidebar.tsx │ └── StatsCard.tsx │ ├── userProfile/ # Components for user profile │ ├── ProfileHeader.tsx │ ├── EditProfileForm.tsx │ └── Avatar.tsx │ ├── shared/ # Shared or common components across features │ ├── Button.tsx │ ├── Modal.tsx │ └── ... # Additional shared components │ └── layout/ # Layout components ├── Header.tsx ├── Footer.tsx └── Sidebar.tsx
import React, { useState } from 'react'; import Button from '../shared/Button'; import FormInput from '../shared/FormInput'; const Login: React.FC = () => { const [email, setEmail] = useState(''); const [password, setPassword] = useState(''); const handleLogin = () => { // Logic for login }; return (); }; export default Login;Login
import React from 'react'; interface StatsCardProps { title: string; value: number; icon: React.ReactNode; } const StatsCard: React.FC= ({ title, value, icon }) => ( ); export default StatsCard;{icon}{title}
This structure focuses on organizing components according to the domain or bounded context of your project. This makes this structure suitable for complex systems that require clear domain separation
src/ └── components/ ├── domain/ │ ├── product/ # Components related to product domain │ │ ├── ProductCard.tsx │ │ ├── ProductList.tsx │ │ └── ProductDetail.tsx │ │ │ ├── cart/ # Components for cart domain │ │ ├── CartItem.tsx │ │ ├── CartSummary.tsx │ │ └── CartIcon.tsx │ │ │ ├── user/ # Components for user domain │ │ ├── UserAvatar.tsx │ │ ├── UserProfile.tsx │ │ └── UserSettings.tsx │ │ │ └── ... # Additional domain-specific components │ ├── ui/ # UI elements (atoms, molecules, etc.) │ ├── atoms/ │ ├── molecules/ │ └── organisms/ │ └── layout/ # Layout components ├── Header.tsx ├── Footer.tsx └── Sidebar.tsx
import React from 'react'; interface ProductCardProps { name: string; price: number; imageUrl: string; onAddToCart: () => void; } const ProductCard: React.FC= ({ name, price, imageUrl, onAddToCart }) => ( ); export default ProductCard;![]()
import React from 'react'; interface CartSummaryProps { totalItems: number; totalPrice: number; } const CartSummary: React.FC= ({ totalItems, totalPrice }) => ( ); export default CartSummary;Cart Summary
Total Items: {totalItems}
Total Price: ${totalPrice.toFixed(2)}
This structure is designed to support development.Component-Driven Development (CDD)usingStorybookwhich allows you to develop and test components in a format separate from the main application
src/ └── components/ ├── Button/ │ ├── Button.tsx # Component implementation │ ├── Button.stories.tsx # Storybook stories │ ├── Button.test.tsx # Unit tests │ └── Button.module.css # Component-specific styles │ ├── Input/ │ ├── Input.tsx │ ├── Input.stories.tsx │ ├── Input.test.tsx │ └── Input.module.css │ ├── Modal/ │ ├── Modal.tsx │ ├── Modal.stories.tsx │ ├── Modal.test.tsx │ └── Modal.module.css │ └── ... # Additional component folders
import React from 'react'; import styles from './Button.module.css'; interface ButtonProps { label: string; onClick: () => void; variant?: 'primary' | 'secondary'; } const Button: React.FC= ({ label, onClick, variant = 'primary' }) => ( ); export default Button;
import React from 'react'; import { Meta, Story } from '@storybook/react'; import Button, { ButtonProps } from './Button'; export default { title: 'Components/Button', component: Button, } as Meta; const Template: Story= (args) => ; export const Primary = Template.bind({}); Primary.args = { label: 'Primary Button', onClick: () => console.log('Primary Button Clicked'), variant: 'primary', }; export const Secondary = Template.bind({}); Secondary.args = { label: 'Secondary Button', onClick: () => console.log('Secondary Button Clicked'), variant: 'secondary', };
In projects where multiple teams work together Creating a structure that uses common components is important. This structure emphasizes separating components that can be reused throughout the project
src/ └── components/ ├── shared/ # Shared components across the application │ ├── Button/ │ │ ├── Button.tsx │ │ └── Button.module.css │ │ │ ├── Modal/ │ │ ├── Modal.tsx │ │ └── Modal.module.css │ │ │ └── ... # Additional shared components │ ├── featureSpecific/ # Feature-specific components │ ├── UserProfile/ │ │ ├── ProfileHeader.tsx │ │ ├── ProfileDetails.tsx │ │ └── Avatar.tsx │ │ │ ├── ProductList/ │ │ ├── ProductCard.tsx │ │ └── ProductFilter.tsx │ │ │ └── ... # Additional feature-specific components │ └── layout/ # Layout components ├── Header.tsx ├── Footer.tsx └── Sidebar.tsx
import React from 'react'; import styles from './Modal.module.css'; interface ModalProps { title: string; isOpen: boolean; onClose: () => void; } const Modal: React.FC= ({ title, isOpen, onClose, children }) => { if (!isOpen) return null; return ( ); }; export default Modal;{title}
import React from 'react'; interface ProfileHeaderProps { name: string; bio: string; avatarUrl: string; } const ProfileHeader: React.FC= ({ name, bio, avatarUrl }) => ( ); export default ProfileHeader;![]()
ด้วยข้อมูลและแนวทางเหล่านี้ หวังว่าคุณจะสามารถจัดโครงสร้างในโฟลเดอร์componentsของโปรเจคได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพและเหมาะสมกับความต้องการของโปรเจคของคุณ!
The above is the detailed content of Organizing the Frontend projects components folder. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!