In "Shin Megami Tensei 5: Revenge", the unfinished collection mission in Konan Sanchome, Shinagawa Ward is particularly critical. It requires players to collect all necessary items. Completing this mission requires careful strategy and thorough exploration. PHP editor Yuzai will give you a detailed introduction to the collection locations of Konan 3-chome, Shinagawa District, to help you complete the task easily.
Less than 01
Located on the bridge opposite the train.
Less than 02
Under the bridge south of Dragon Cave.
Under 03
On the road next to the dragon's lair.
Under 04
On top of the bus near the bridge to the west.
Under 05
Located in the right corner behind the building to the north of the previous one.
The above is the detailed content of 'Shin Megami Tensei 5' Revenge Shinagawa-ku Konan 3-chome is not full collection location. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!