How long does it take for Douyin videos to get views after they are released? What are some tips for publishing?

Release: 2024-06-16 12:22:18
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How long does it take for Douyin videos to get views after they are released? What are some tips for publishing?

In an era when mobile Internet is booming, short video platforms have become an important part of people's daily lives. As a popular short video application, Douyin provides users with a platform for self-expression and exploration of the world, and also opens up new marketing channels for companies. If you post a TikTok video, you must be wondering how long it takes to get views. This article is compiled by PHP editor Baicao. It will answer this question in detail and help you understand the mechanism of obtaining views of Douyin videos.

1. How long will it take for Douyin videos to get views after they are released?

After a video is published, the rate at which views increase will vary depending on the quality and popularity of the video. Generally speaking, within a few minutes to a few hours after the video is released, the platform will make intelligent recommendations for the video based on the video's viewing time, likes, comments, shares and other interactive data, as well as the user's preferences and behavioral habits. If the video quality is high and meets user needs, the number of views will increase rapidly. And if the video quality is poor or does not meet user needs, the playback volume may increase slowly or even not at all.

It should be noted that the recommendation algorithm of the Douyin platform will be continuously optimized and adjusted. Therefore, the growth rate of video playback volume will also be affected to a certain extent. Generally speaking, the views of newly released videos increase rapidly in the first few hours. Over time, the growth rate of playback volume may gradually slow down.

2. What are some tips for Douyin video publishing?

1. Choose a suitable time to publish: According to the active time of Douyin users, choose to publish the video during a time period with more users, such as evenings, weekends, etc., to increase the video playback volume.

2. Optimize video titles and tags: Use attractive titles and relevant tags to increase the exposure of the video and attract more users to click and watch.

3. Improve video quality: Video quality is an important factor affecting playback volume. When shooting, pay attention to lighting, sound quality, picture stability, etc. to improve the overall quality of the video.

4. Interaction: Actively reply to comments, interact with fans, and increase the activity and playback volume of the video.

5. Continuous publishing: Regularly publish videos to keep your account active, so that the platform can better understand your content and style, and increase the number of recommendations.

There is no fixed answer to how long it will take for Douyin videos to get views after they are released. The growth rate of views depends on the quality and popularity of the video, as well as the platform’s recommendation algorithm. When publishing a video, we can increase the playback volume of the video by choosing the right time to publish, optimizing the video title and tags, improving the video quality, interactive interactions and continuous publishing and other tips. I hope this article can be helpful to you and help you get more attention and likes on TikTok.

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