The total production capacity will exceed 1 million vehicles, and it is revealed that NIO has been approved to build a third factory in China

Release: 2024-06-13 09:54:47
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According to news on June 5, recent reports indicate that NIO has received approval from the Chinese government to build its third factory in the country. According to Reuters, citing three people familiar with the matter, the total production capacity of the three factories will increase to 1 million vehicles, almost the same size as Tesla’s Shanghai factory (1.1 million vehicles).

Nio is China’s eighth-largest electric vehicle manufacturer by sales, anonymous sources said. The company has opened its third factory, the F3 factory, but it is unclear when it will begin mass production.

The F3 factory is located in Huainan City, Anhui Province. In the future, its main task will be to produce NIO’s sub-brand “ONVO”. "Ledao" cars. Weilai confirmed to Reuters that the construction of the new factory has started, and the annual production capacity of is initially planned to be 100,000 vehicles. This expansion move is obviously in response to the market's response to Weilai and The demand for its sub-brand Ledo Automobile continues to grow. “Currently, our production capacity cannot meet the market demand, and Weilai does not have the problem of overcapacity. " NIO said.

The total production capacity will exceed 1 million vehicles, and it is revealed that NIO has been approved to build a third factory in China

Regarding the question of whether the F3 factory will expand its production capacity to 600,000 vehicles in the future, NIO did not give a clear response. However, Le Dao’s first model, the L60, has been on sale in May this year. It is positioned as a smart electric medium-sized SUV for families, with a starting price of 219,900 yuan. In addition, public information shows that NIO Technology (Anhui) The third manufacturing base branch of the company was officially established on May 14. The head of the branch is Qin Lihong, co-founder and president of Weilai Automobile.

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