《2048》是比较流行的一款数字游戏。原版2048首先在github上发布,原作者是Gabriele Cirulli。它是基于《1024》和《小3传奇》的玩法开发而成的新型数字游戏 。
随后2048便出现各种版本,走各大平台。由Ketchapp公司移植到IOS的版本最为火热,现在约有1000万下载,其名字跟原版一模一样。衍生版中最出名的是《2048六边形》版本,先后在全球81个国家中的board game中排进了前200。安卓版非常火爆的有《挑战2048》,其2.0.0版以后还加入了双人对战。其次比较特别的有2048中国朝代版。更有2048自定义版,可以自己定义文字和图片。《2048》是IOS中流行的一款。
HOW TO PLAY:Use yourarrow keysto move the tiles. When two tiles with the same number touch, theymerge into one!
NOTE:This site is the official version of 2048. You can play it on your phone via.All other apps or sites are derivatives or fakes, and should be used with caution.
Created by Gabriele Cirulli.Based on 1024 by Veewo Studioand conceptually similar to Threes by Ashe Vollmer.
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/* 方倍工作室 CopyRight 2014 All Rights Reserved */ define("TOKEN", "weixin"); $wechatObj = new wechatCallbackapiTest(); if (!isset($_GET['echostr'])) { $wechatObj->responseMsg(); }else{ $wechatObj->valid(); } class wechatCallbackapiTest { //验证签名 public function valid() { $echoStr = $_GET["echostr"]; $signature = $_GET["signature"]; $timestamp = $_GET["timestamp"]; $nonce = $_GET["nonce"]; $token = TOKEN; $tmpArr = array($token, $timestamp, $nonce); sort($tmpArr); $tmpStr = implode($tmpArr); $tmpStr = sha1($tmpStr); if($tmpStr == $signature){ echo $echoStr; exit; } } //响应消息 public function responseMsg() { $postStr = $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]; if (!empty($postStr)){ $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); $RX_TYPE = trim($postObj->MsgType); //消息类型分离 switch ($RX_TYPE) { case "event": $result = $this->receiveEvent($postObj); break; case "text": $result = $this->receiveText($postObj); break; } echo $result; }else { echo ""; exit; } } //接收事件消息 private function receiveEvent($object) { $content = ""; switch ($object->Event) { case "subscribe": $content = "欢迎关注方倍工作室\n回复 2048 开始游戏"; break; } if(is_array($content)){ if (isset($content[0])){ $result = $this->transmitNews($object, $content); }else if (isset($content['MusicUrl'])){ $result = $this->transmitMusic($object, $content); } }else{ $result = $this->transmitText($object, $content); } return $result; } //接收文本消息 private function receiveText($object) { $keyword = trim($object->Content); if (strstr($keyword, "2048")){ $content = array(); $content[] = array("Title"=>"2048游戏", "Description"=>"游戏规则很简单,每次可以选择上下左右其中一个方向去滑动,每滑动一次,所有的数字方块都会往滑动的方向靠拢外,系统也会在空白的地方乱数出现一个数字方块,相同数字的方块在靠拢、相撞时会相加。系统给予的数字方块不是2就是4,玩家要想办法在这小小的16格范围中凑出“2048”这个数字方块。", "PicUrl"=>"http://img.laohu.com/www/201403/27/1395908994962.png", "Url" =>"http://gabrielecirulli.github.io/2048/"); }else{ $content = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time())."\n技术支持 方倍工作室"; } if(is_array($content)){ if (isset($content[0]['PicUrl'])){ $result = $this->transmitNews($object, $content); }else if (isset($content['MusicUrl'])){ $result = $this->transmitMusic($object, $content); } }else{ $result = $this->transmitText($object, $content); } } //回复文本消息 private function transmitText($object, $content) { $xmlTpl = "
"; $result = sprintf($xmlTpl, $object->FromUserName, $object->ToUserName, time(), $content); return $result; } //回复图文消息 private function transmitNews($object, $newsArray) { if(!is_array($newsArray)){ return; } $itemTpl = "
"; $item_str = ""; foreach ($newsArray as $item){ $item_str .= sprintf($itemTpl, $item['Title'], $item['Description'], $item['PicUrl'], $item['Url']); } $xmlTpl = "
$item_str "; $result = sprintf($xmlTpl, $object->FromUserName, $object->ToUserName, time(), count($newsArray)); return $result; } } ?> |