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Using jQuery to implement a simple editable table based on Bootstrap_javascript skills

Release: 2016-05-16 15:02:29
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editTable.js Provides operations for editing the current row of the table, adding a row, and deleting the current row. Parameters can be set, such as:

operatePos is used to set the column of the placement operation, starting from 0, -1 means using the last column as the column of the placement operation; (Operations here include editing the current row, adding a row under the current row, and deleting the current row)

handleFirst sets whether the first row of the table is used as the object of the operation, true is true, false is false;

edit, save, cancel, add, confirm and del respectively set the operation name of the display operation. By default, the words "edit", "save", "cancel", "add", "confirm" and "delete" are displayed;

editableCols sets the columns that can be edited, starting from 0, and is set in the form of an array, such as [1, 2], which means that the 2nd and 3rd columns can be edited when editing operations are performed; you can pass in "all", Indicates that all selected columns can be edited; of course, the program will automatically exclude columns that have been set to place operations;

order sets the operations required for the table, and can also set the order in which operations are arranged; the parameters are in the form of an array, and the values ​​in the array can be edit, add, or del; if an empty array is passed in, the edit operation will be provided by default, which is equivalent to setting [ "edit" ] parameter; in addition, all functions are provided by default, that is, editing, adding, and deleting, which is equivalent to setting the [ "edit", "add", "del"] parameters, and the order is edit-》add-》delete; it is possible Modify the order of the three, such as [ "add", "edit", "del" ];

saveCallback When the editing function is provided, during the process of editing the current row, click the callback function after saving; the user needs to set this parameter while using the editing function. When saving, the function can be passed using ajax Edited data data (saved in the data array), when ajax saves the data successfully, you should also call the isSuccess method in the function parameters to change the editable state in the interface to the uneditable state;

addCallback and delCallback are the same as saveCallback, but they are applied to different operations - add and delete.


 * Created by DreamBoy on 2016/4/19. 
$(function() { 
 $.fn.handleTable = function (options) { 
  //1.Settings 初始化设置 
  var c = $.extend({ 
   "operatePos" : -1, //-1表示默认操作列为最后一列 
   "handleFirst" : false, //第一行是否作为操作的对象 
   "edit" : "编辑", 
   "save" : "保存", 
   "cancel" : "取消", 
   "add" : "添加", 
   "confirm" : "确认", 
   "del" : "删除", 
   "editableCols" : "all", //可编辑的列,从0开始 
   //"pos" : 0, //位置位于该列开头,还是结尾(左侧或右侧) 
   "order" : ["edit", "add", "del"], //指定三个功能的顺序 
   "saveCallback" : function(data, isSuccess) { //这里可以写ajax内容,用于保存编辑后的内容 
    //data: 返回的数据 
    //isSuccess: 方法,用于保存数据成功后,将可编辑状态变为不可编辑状态 
   "addCallback" : function(data, isSuccess) { 
    //isSuccess: 方法,用于添加数据成功后,将可编辑状态变为不可编辑状态 
   "delCallback" : function(isSuccess) { 
    //isSuccess: 方法,用于删除数据成功后,将对应行删除 
  }, options); 
  var colsNum = $(this).find('tr').last().children().size(); 
  if(c.operatePos == -1) { 
   c.operatePos = colsNum - 1; 
  var rows = $(this).find('tr'); 
  if(!c.handleFirst) { 
   rows = rows.not(":eq(0)"); 
  var rowsTd = []; 
  var allTd = rows.children(); 
  for(var i = c.operatePos; i <= allTd.size(); i += colsNum) { 
   if(c.handleFirst) { //如果操作第一行,就把放置操作的列内容置为空 
  //6.修改设置 order 为空时的默认值 
  if(c.order.length == 0) { 
   c.order = ["edit"]; 
  var cols = getEditableCols(); 
  var saveLink = "", cancelLink = "", editLink = "", addLink = "", confirmLink = "", delLink = ""; 
  initFunc(c.order, rowsTd); 
   * 创建操作链接 
  function createLink(str) { 
   return "<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" style=\"margin:0 3px\">" + str + "</a>"; 
   * 初始各种操作的链接 
  function initLink() { 
   for(var i = 0; i < c.order.length; i++) { 
    switch (c.order[i]) { 
     case "edit": 
      editLink = createLink(c.edit); 
      saveLink = createLink(c.save); 
      cancelLink = createLink(c.cancel); 
     case "add": 
      addLink = createLink(c.add); 
      confirmLink = createLink(c.confirm); 
      cancelLink = createLink(c.cancel); 
     case "del": 
      delLink = createLink(c.del); 
   * 获取可进行编辑操作的列 
  function getEditableCols() { 
   var cols = c.editableCols; 
   if($.type(c.editableCols) != "array" && cols == "all") { //如果是所有列都可以编辑的话 
    cols = []; 
    for(var i = 0; i < colsNum; i++) { 
     if(i != c.operatePos) { //排除放置操作的列 
   } else if($.type(c.editableCols) == "array") { //有指定选择编辑的列的话需要排序放置“编辑”功能的列 
    var copyCols = []; 
    for(var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { 
     if(cols[i] != c.operatePos) { 
    cols = copyCols; 
   return cols; 
   * 根据c.order参数设置提供的操作 
   * @param func 需要设置的操作 
   * @param cols 放置操作的列 
  function initFunc(func, cols) { 
   for(var i = 0; i < func.length; i++) { 
    var o = func[i]; 
    switch(o) { 
     case "edit": 
     case "add": 
     case "del": 
   * 创建“编辑一行”的功能 
   * @param operateCol 放置编辑操作的列 
  function createEdit(operateCol) { 
   $(editLink).appendTo(operateCol).on("click", function() { 
    if(replaceQuote($(this).html()) == replaceQuote(c.edit)) { //如果此时是编辑状态 
     toSave(this); //将编辑状态变为保存状态 
    } else if(replaceQuote($(this).html()) == replaceQuote(c.save)) { //如果此时是保存状态 
     var p = $(this).parents('tr'); //获取被点击的当前行 
     var data = []; //保存修改后的数据到数据内 
     for(var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { 
      var tr = p.children().eq(cols[i]); 
      var inputValue = tr.children('input').val(); 
     $this = this; //此时的this表示的是 被点击的 编辑链接 
     c.saveCallback(data, function() { 
      toEdit($this, true); 
   var afterSave = []; //保存修改前的信息,用于用户点击取消后的数值返回操作 
   function toSave(ele) { 
    $(ele).html(c.save); //修改为“保存” 
    $(ele).after(cancelLink); //添加相应的取消保存的“取消链接” 
    $(ele).next().on('click', function() { 
     //if($(this).html() == c.cancel.replace(eval("/\'/gi"),"\"")) { 
     toEdit(ele, false); 
    //获取被点击编辑的当前行 tr jQuery对象 
    var p = $(ele).parents('tr'); 
    afterSave = []; //清空原来保存的数据 
    for(var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { 
     var tr = p.children().eq(cols[i]); 
     var editTr = "<input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" value=\"" + tr.html() + "\"/>"; 
     afterSave.push(tr.html()); //保存未修改前的数据 
   // 因为点击了“保存”(保存成功)变为“编辑”状态的,还是因为点击了“取消”变为“编辑”状态的) 
   function toEdit(ele, isSave) { 
    if(replaceQuote($(ele).next().html()) == replaceQuote(c.cancel)) { 
    var p = $(ele).parents('tr'); 
    for(var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { 
     var tr = p.children().eq(cols[i]); 
     var value; 
     if(isSave) { 
      value = tr.children('input').val(); 
     } else { 
      value = afterSave[i]; 
   * 创建“添加一行”的功能 
   * @param operateCol 
  function createAdd(operateCol) { 
   $(addLink).appendTo(operateCol).on("click", function() { 
    //获取被点击“添加”的当前行 tr jQuery对象 
    var p = $(this).parents('tr'); 
    var copyRow = p.clone(); //构建新的一行 
    var input = "<input type=\"text\"/>"; 
    var childLen = p.children().length; 
    for(var i = 0; i < childLen; i++) { 
     copyRow.children().eq(i).html("<input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\"/>"); 
    var last = copyRow.children().eq(c.operatePos); 
    var confirm = $(confirmLink).appendTo(last).on("click", function() { 
     var data = []; 
     for(var i = 0; i < childLen; i++) { 
      if(i != c.operatePos) { 
       var v = copyRow.children().eq(i).children("input").val(); 
     c.addCallback(data, function() { 
      initFunc(c.order, last); 
    $(confirm).after(cancelLink); //添加相应的取消保存的“取消链接” 
    $(confirm).next().on('click', function() { 
   * 创建“删除一行”的功能 
   * @param operateCol 
  function createDel(operateCol) { 
   $(delLink).appendTo(operateCol).on("click", function() { 
    var _this = this; 
    c.delCallback(function() { 
   * 将str中的单引号转为双引号 
   * @param str 
  function replaceQuote(str) { 
   return str.replace(/\'/g, "\""); 
Copy after login

You need to pay attention during use: you need to add selectable selectors to the corresponding table, and you need to place an empty label in the column where the "operation" is placed for storing the "operation" ".

Use cases are as follows:

Directory structure:


<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"> 
 <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> 
 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> 
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css" type="text/css"> 
 <!--<link href="assets/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css" rel="stylesheet" />--> 
 <!--[if lt IE 9]> 
 <script src="js/html5shiv.js"></script> 
 <script src="js/respond.min.js"></script> 
 <div class="container"> 
  <div class="bs-example" data-example-id="hoverable-table"> 
   <table class="table table-hover editable"> 
     <th>First Name</th> 
     <th>Last Name</th> 
     <th scope="row">1</th> 
     <td><!--<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="edit"></a>--></td> 
     <th scope="row">2</th> 
     <td><!--<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="edit"></a>--></td> 
     <th scope="row">3</th> 
     <td>the Bird</td> 
     <td><!--<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="edit"></a>--></td> 
 <script src="js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> 
 <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> 
 <script src="editTable.js"></script> 
  $(function() { 
   //$('.edit').handleTable({"cancel" : "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'></span>"}); 
    "handleFirst" : true, 
    "cancel" : " <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-remove'></span> ", 
    "edit" : " <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-edit'></span> ", 
    "add" : " <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-plus'></span> ", 
    "save" : " <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-saved'></span> ", 
    "confirm" : " <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-ok'></span> ", 
    "operatePos" : -1, 
    "editableCols" : [2,3,4], 
    "order": ["add","edit"], 
    "saveCallback" : function(data, isSuccess) { //这里可以写ajax内容,用于保存编辑后的内容 
     //data: 返回的数据 
     //isSucess: 方法,用于保存数据成功后,将可编辑状态变为不可编辑状态 
     var flag = true; //ajax请求成功(保存数据成功),才回调isSuccess函数(修改保存状态为编辑状态) 
     if(flag) { 
      alert(data + " 保存成功"); 
     } else { 
      alert(data + " 保存失败"); 
     return true; 
    "addCallback" : function(data,isSuccess) { 
     var flag = true; 
     if(flag) { 
      alert(data + " 增加成功"); 
     } else { 
      alert(data + " 增加失败"); 
    "delCallback" : function(isSuccess) { 
     var flag = true; 
     if(flag) { 
     } else { 
Copy after login

The running results are as follows

Use editing actions:

Make changes:

Click to save:

Add multiple lines:

Add some data in there:

Click "OK":

You can cancel other redundant lines to be added:

The above is the entire content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone’s study.

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