function getInfo()
var s = " ";
s = " The width of the visible area of the web page: " document.body.clientWidth " ";
s = " The height of the visible area of the web page: " document.body.clientHeight " ";
s = " The visible area of the web page Area width: " document.body.offsetWidth " (including the width of the edges and scroll bars)" " ";
s = " Web page visible area height: " document.body.offsetHeight " (including the width of the edges)" " " ;
s = " Full text width of web page body: " document.body.scrollWidth " ";
s = " Full text height of web page body: " document.body.scrollHeight " ";
s = " Web page is scrolled The height to which the web page was scrolled (ff): " document.body.scrollTop " ";
s = " The height to which the web page was scrolled (ie): " document.documentElement.scrollTop " ";
s = " The web page was scrolled Go to the left: " document.body.scrollLeft " ";
s = " The body of the web page: " window.screenTop " ";
s = " The body of the web page to the left: " window.screenLeft " ";
s = "The height of the screen resolution: " window.screen.height " ";
s = " The width of the screen resolution: " window.screen.width " ";
s = " Screen available work Area height: " window.screen.availHeight " ";
s = " Screen available work area width: " window.screen.availWidth " ";
s = " Your screen setting is " window.screen.colorDepth " bit color " " ";
s = " your screen settings" window.screen.deviceXDPI " pixels/inch" " ";
s = " actual height of the visible part of the window (ff) " window .innerHeight " ";
alert (s);