The plug-in name is: jquery.tableresize.js, and the code is as follows:
Written by mlcactus, 2014-11-24
This is a jquery plug-in that I packaged, which enables each column of the table to stretch left and right, thereby making the width smaller or larger
Single table: $("#table_id").tableresize();
All tables on the page: $("table").tableresize();
(function ($) {
$.fn.tableresize = function () {
var _document = $("body");
$(this).each(function () {
If (!$.tableresize) {
$.tableresize = {};
var _table = $(this);
//Set ID
var id = _table.attr("id") || "tableresize_" (Math.random() * 100000).toFixed(0).toString();
var tr = _table.find("tr").first(), ths = tr.children(), _firstth = ths.first();
//Set temporary variable storage object
var cobjs = $.tableresize[id] = {};
cobjs._currentObj = null, cobjs._currentLeft = null;
ths.mousemove(function (e) {
var _this = $(this);
var left = _this.offset().left, top = _this.offset().top, width = _this.width(), height = _this.height(), right = left width, bottom = top height, clientX = e .clientX, clientY = e.clientY;
var leftside = ! && Math.abs(left - clientX) <= 5, rightside = Math.abs(right - clientX) <= 5;
If (cobjs._currentLeft || clientY > top && clientY < bottom && (leftside || rightside)) {
_document.css("cursor", "e-resize");
If (!cobjs._currentLeft) {
if (leftside) {
cobjs._currentObj = _this.prev();
else {
cobjs._currentObj = _this;
else {
cobjs._currentObj = null;
ths.mouseout(function (e) {
if (!cobjs._currentLeft) {
cobjs._currentObj = null;
_document.css("cursor", "auto");
_document.mousedown(function (e) {
if (cobjs._currentObj) {
cobjs._currentLeft = e.clientX;
else {
cobjs._currentLeft = null;
_document.mouseup(function (e) {
if (cobjs._currentLeft) {
cobjs._currentObj.width(cobjs._currentObj.width() (e.clientX - cobjs._currentLeft));
cobjs._currentObj = null;
cobjs._currentLeft = null;
_document.css("cursor", "auto");
ID | 名字 | 年纪 | 地址 | 电话 |
22 | Name:44 | Age:23 | Address:47 | Phone:15 |
28 | Name:42 | Age:68 | Address:30 | Phone:50 |
29 | Name:63 | Age:48 | Address:90 | Phone:76 |
ID | 名字 | 年纪 | 地址 | 电话 |
22 | Name:44 | Age:23 | Address:47 | Phone:15 |
28 | Name:42 | Age:68 | Address:30 | Phone:50 |