Verwenden Sie den BFS-Algorithmus, um das Diagramm zu untersuchen und den kürzesten Pfad auszugeben
P粉633075725 2023-09-03 11:42:48

Ziel des Programms ist es, verschiedene Flughäfen zu durchqueren und mithilfe eines Breitensuchalgorithmus den kürzesten Weg zwischen PHX und BKK auszugeben. Ich habe jedoch Probleme beim Drucken der Ergebnisse.

Die erwartete Ausgabe (kürzester Pfad) ist: PHX -> LAX ->

const airports = 'PHX BKK OKC JFK LAX MEX EZE HEL LOS LAP LIM'.split(' '); const Routen = [ ['PHX', 'LAX'], ['PHX', 'JFK'], ['JFK', 'OKC'], ['JFK', 'HEL'], ['JFK', 'LOS'], ['MEX', 'LAX'], ['MEX', 'BKK'], ['MEX', 'LIM'], ['MEX', 'EZE'], ['LIM', 'BKK'], ]; //Der Graph const adjacencyList = new Map(); //Knoten hinzufügen Funktion addNode(Flughafen) { adjacencyList.set(airport, []); } // Kante hinzufügen, ungerichtet Funktion addEdge(Ursprung, Ziel) { adjacencyList.get(origin).push(destination); adjacencyList.get(destination).push(origin); } // Das Diagramm erstellen Flughäfen.forEach(addNode); // Jede Route durchlaufen und die Werte in die Funktion addEdge verteilen Routen.forEach(route => addEdge(...route));

Mit dem Knoten als Startpunkt (Standort) und der Kante als Ziel ist der Graph ungerichtet

function bfs(start) { const besuchte = new Set(); besuchte.add(start); // Den Startknoten zur besuchten Liste hinzufügen const queue = [start]; while (queue.length > 0) { const Airport = queue.shift(); // Warteschlange ändern const Destinations = adjacencyList.get(airport); for (const Ziel der Ziele) { if (destination === 'BKK') { console.log(`BFS hat Bangkok gefunden!`) //console.log(path); } if (!visited.has(destination)) { besuchte.add(Ziel); queue.push(Ziel); } } } } bfs('PHX')


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在bfs()函数中,oldpath用于存储每个节点(父节点)所经过的路径,shortest path用于存储结果

const oldpath = new Map(); let shortestPath = [];
while (queue.length > 0) { let airport = queue.shift(); // mutates the queue const destinations = adjacencyList.get(airport); for (const destination of destinations) { // destination -> origin if (destination === 'BKK') { console.log(`BFS found Bangkok!`) oldpath.set(destination, airport) // remember parentNode retracePath(airport); // loops through all parentNodes of BKK // and adds them to the path console.log(shortestPath); shortestPath = [] } if (!visited.has(destination)) { oldpath.set(destination, airport) // remember parentNode visited.add(destination); queue.push(destination); } } } }


function retracePath(parentNode){ while(oldpath.get(parentNode)){ // keep going until reaching the root shortestPath.unshift(parentNode); // adding each parent to the path parentNode = oldpath.get(parentNode); // find the parent's parent } }

    不要将节点标记为已访问,而是利用这个机会将该节点与其父节点标记。您可以使用一个 Map 来:

    • 指示节点是否已访问
    • 指示在到达之前的上一个节点(父节点)
    • 以队列方式维护访问节点的顺序


    function createGraph(airports, routes) { // Your code, but as a function // The graph const adjacencyList = new Map(); // Add node function addNode(airport) { adjacencyList.set(airport, []); } // Add edge, undirected function addEdge(origin, destination) { adjacencyList.get(origin).push(destination); adjacencyList.get(destination).push(origin); } // Create the Graph airports.forEach(addNode); // loop through each route and spread the values into addEdge function routes.forEach(route => addEdge(...route)); return adjacencyList; } function bfs(adjacencyList, start, end) { const cameFrom = new Map(); // Used as linked list, as visited marker, and as queue cameFrom.set(start, null); // As Map maintains insertion order, and keys() is an iterator, // this loop will keep looping as long as new entries are added to it for (const airport of cameFrom.keys()) { for (const destination of adjacencyList.get(airport)) { if (!cameFrom.has(destination)) { cameFrom.set(destination, airport); // remember parentNode if (destination === end) return retracePath(cameFrom, end); } } } } function retracePath(cameFrom, node) { const path = []; while (cameFrom.has(node)) { path.push(node); node = cameFrom.get(node); } return path.reverse(); } const airports = 'PHX BKK OKC JFK LAX MEX EZE HEL LOS LAP LIM'.split(' '); const routes = [ ['PHX', 'LAX'], ['PHX', 'JFK'], ['JFK', 'OKC'], ['JFK', 'HEL'], ['JFK', 'LOS'], ['MEX', 'LAX'], ['MEX', 'BKK'], ['MEX', 'LIM'], ['MEX', 'EZE'], ['LIM', 'BKK'], ]; const adjacencyList = createGraph(airports, routes); const path = bfs(adjacencyList, 'PHX', 'BKK'); console.log(path);
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