Command failed: C:\DPS\Docker Toolbox\docker-machine.exe -D create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 2048 default,Docker Machine Version: 0.9.0, build 15fd4c7,Found binary path at C:\DPS\Docker Toolbox\docker-machine.exe,Launching plugin server for driver virtualbox,Plugin server listening at address,() Calling .GetVersion,Using API Version 1,() Calling .SetConfigRaw,() Calling .GetMachineName,(flag-lookup) Calling .GetMachineName,(flag-lookup) Calling .DriverName,(flag-lookup) Calling .GetCreateFlags,Found binary path at C:\DPS\Docker Toolbox\docker-machine.exe,Launching plugin server for driver virtualbox,Plugin server listening at address,() Calling .GetVersion,Using API Version 1,() Calling .SetConfigRaw,() Calling .GetMachineName,(default) Calling .GetMachineName,(default) Calling .DriverName,(default) Calling .GetCreateFlags,(default) Calling .SetConfigFromFlags,(default) Calling .PreCreateCheck,(default) DBG | COMMAND: C:\DPS\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe --version,(default) DBG | STDOUT:,(default) DBG | {,(default) DBG | 5.1.14r112924,(default) DBG | },(default) DBG | STDERR:,(default) DBG | {,(default) DBG | },(default) DBG | Hyper-V is not installed.,(default) DBG | %!(EXTRA *exec.Error=exec: "vmms.exe": executable file not found in %PATH%)COMMAND: wmic cpu get VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled,(default) DBG | Couldn't check that VT-X/AMD-v is enabled. Will check that the vm is properly created: exit status 2147943458,Error with pre-create check: "Get dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.",open C:\Users\chenzw\.docker\machine\machines\default\default\Logs\VBox.log: The system cannot find the path specified.,notifying bugsnag: [Error with pre-create check: "Get dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond."],
Wie im Bild oben gezeigt, wird beim Öffnen immer ein Fehler gemeldet. Was ist die Ursache dieses Fehlers?
建议升级到win10专业版 版本大于或等于 1703 安装 Docker for Windows