
Freigeben: 2020-04-02 09:23:24
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vscode运行go语言代码需要安装vscode-go插件。然后使用F5(continue)、F10(step over)、F11(step into)等快捷键运行go语言代码。

安装vscode-go 插件

进入vscode界面,打开命令面板Ctrl + Shift + P,输入install,



Completion Lists (using gocode) Signature Help (using godoc) Snippets Quick Info (using godef) Goto Definition (using godef) Find References (using guru) File outline (using go-outline) Workspace symbol search (using go-symbols) Rename (using gorename) Build-on-save (using go build and go test) Lint-on-save (using golint or gometalinter) Format (using goreturns or goimports or gofmt) Generate unit tests squeleton (using gotests) Add Imports (using gopkgs) [partially implemented] Debugging (using delve)
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Visual Studio Code Go插件配置选项

启动vscode后选择 文件菜单 -> 首选项 -> 工作区设置

{ // Go configuration // Run 'go build'/'go test -c' on save. "go.buildOnSave": true, // Flags to `go build`/`go test` used during build-on-save or running tests. (e.g. ['-ldflags="-s"']) "go.buildFlags": [], // Run Lint tool on save. "go.lintOnSave": true, // Specifies Lint tool name. "go.lintTool": "golint", // Flags to pass to Lint tool (e.g. ['-min_confidenc=.8']) "go.lintFlags": [], // Run 'go tool vet' on save. "go.vetOnSave": true, // Flags to pass to `go tool vet` (e.g. ['-all', '-shadow']) "go.vetFlags": [], // Pick 'gofmt', 'goimports' or 'goreturns' to run on format. "go.formatTool": "goreturns", // Flags to pass to format tool (e.g. ['-s']) "go.formatFlags": [], // Run the formatting tools with the -d flag "go.useDiffForFormatting": true, // Complete functions with their parameter signature "go.useCodeSnippetsOnFunctionSuggest": false, // Specifies the GOPATH to use when no environment variable is set. "go.gopath": "//home/chenjianhua/gocode", // Specifies the GOROOT to use when no environment variable is set. "go.goroot": "/usr/local/go", // Run formatting tool on save. "go.formatOnSave": true, // Run 'go test -coverprofile' on save "go.coverOnSave": false, // Specifies the timeout for go test in ParseDuration format. "go.testTimeout": "30s", // Enable gocode's autobuild feature "go.gocodeAutoBuild": true, // The Go build tags to use for all commands that support a `-tags '...'` argument "go.buildTags": "", // Environment variables that will passed to the process that runs the Go tests "go.testEnvVars": {}, // Autocomplete members from unimported packages. "go.autocompleteUnimportedPackages": true }
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命令面板 Ctrl + Shift + P 或者 F1

转到文件 Ctrl + P

切换终端 Ctrl + `

重命名 F2

调试 F5(continue)F10(step over)F11(step into)

跳到下一个有error或者warning的地方 F8

跳到function定义的地方 F12

缩放整个画面 Cmd +/Ctrl +


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