Welche Marke für das Hauptchassis ist gut?

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Welche Marke für das Hauptchassis ist gut?

1. Welche Marke für ein Hauptgehäuse ist gut?

Das Hauptgehäuse ist eine der sehr wichtigen Komponenten eines Computers. Es schützt nicht nur Computerkomponenten, sondern ist auch ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Erscheinungsbilds des gesamten Computers . Teil. Die Wahl eines hochwertigen Host-Gehäuses kann nicht nur den sicheren Betrieb der Computerhardware gewährleisten, sondern auch die Gesamtästhetik verbessern. Welche Marke für das Hauptgehäuse ist also die beste? Lass es uns gemeinsam besprechen.

Empfehlung der Haupt-Chassis-Marken

Bei der Auswahl eines Haupt-Chassis stoßen wir oft auf eine Vielzahl von Marken, jede mit ihren eigenen Eigenschaften und Vorteilen. Im Folgenden finden Sie Empfehlungen für mehrere beliebte Hauptchassismarken:

Corsair: Das Hauptchassis von Corsair genießt auf dem Markt ein hohes Ansehen und seine Produktqualität und Verarbeitung werden hoch gelobt. Das Hauptgehäuse von Qiaosibo verfügt über ein einzigartiges Design und eine gute Wärmeableitungsleistung, wodurch es für den Transport von Hochleistungskomponenten geeignet ist. Lenovo: Das Hauptgehäuse von Lenovo sieht nicht nur schlicht und elegant aus, sondern verfügt auch über zuverlässige Qualität. Das Hauptgehäuse von Lenovo bietet ein hohes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und ist für die Installationsanforderungen allgemeiner Heimcomputer geeignet. Cooler Master: Das Cooler Master-Hauptgehäuse leistet hervorragende Arbeit bei der Wärmeableitung und eignet sich für Gamer, die Wert auf Leistung und Wärmeableitung legen.

Mehrere Punkte für die Auswahl eines Hauptgehäuses

Bei der Auswahl eines Hauptgehäuses sind neben der Marke noch einige weitere Punkte zu berücksichtigen:

Größe: Wählen Sie die passende Hauptgehäusegröße entsprechend Ihrer eigenen Hardwarekonfiguration, um sicherzustellen, dass die Hardware Kann vollständig installiert werden. Wärmeableitungsleistung: Die Wärmeableitungsleistung des Hauptgehäuses wirkt sich direkt auf den stabilen Betrieb der Computerhardware aus. Es ist sehr wichtig, ein Hauptgehäuse mit gutem Wärmeableitungsdesign zu wählen. Skalierbarkeit: Unter Berücksichtigung möglicher zukünftiger Upgrade-Anforderungen kann durch die Auswahl eines Hauptgehäuses mit guter Skalierbarkeit ein häufiger Austausch des Hauptgehäuses vermieden werden. Erscheinungsbilddesign: Als Erscheinungsbildkomponente des Computers ist auch das Hauptgehäuse ein wichtiger Gesichtspunkt. Wählen Sie ein Hauptgehäuse, dessen Erscheinungsbild zu Ihrer persönlichen Ästhetik passt.

Tipps zur Verwendung des Hauptcomputergehäuses

Neben der Auswahl eines hochwertigen Hauptcomputergehäuses sind auch die richtige Verwendung und Wartung sehr wichtig. Im Folgenden finden Sie einige Tipps zur Verwendung des Hauptgehäuses:

Regelmäßige Reinigung: Im Inneren des Hauptgehäuses sammeln sich Staub und Schmutz an. Regelmäßige Reinigung kann die Kühlleistung aufrechterhalten und die Lebensdauer der Hardware verlängern. Angemessene Verkabelung: Eine ordnungsgemäße Verkabelung kann nicht nur die Unordnung im Computer verringern, sondern auch die Luftzirkulation und die Wärmeableitung verbessern. Vermeiden Sie Hardwarekollisionen: Achten Sie bei der Installation von Hardware darauf, Kollisionen zwischen Hardware zu vermeiden, um Schäden zu vermeiden.


Bei der Auswahl eines Hauptchassis ist die Marke ein wichtiger Referenzfaktor, aber nicht der einzige. Der Schlüssel liegt darin, das Hauptgehäuse auszuwählen, das Ihren Anforderungen und Ihrem Budget entspricht. Ich hoffe, dieser Artikel kann Ihnen bei der Auswahl eines geeigneten Host-Gehäuses helfen, um die Leistung und das Erscheinungsbild Ihres Computers zu verbessern.

2. Welche Marke von Computergehäusen ist besser?

Wenn Sie Lichtverschmutzung auf auffällige Weise vermeiden möchten. Wenn Sie Geld haben, kaufen Sie die echte Bone-Chip-Hülle, und wenn Sie ein begrenztes Budget haben, kaufen Sie die nachgeahmte Bone-Chip-Hülle. Wenn Sie keine Lichtverschmutzung wünschen, kaufen Sie einfach eine beliebte seitlich transparente Box.

3. Welche Marke von Computergehäusen ist am besten zu kaufen?

1. Cooler Master

Cooler Master hat sich, genau wie sein Name, zum Ziel gesetzt, die beste Kühllösung der Branche anzubieten. Daher sind die Lautsprecher von Cooler Master anderen Marken in puncto Wärmeableitung definitiv voraus. Darüber hinaus ist auch das Erscheinungsbild von Cooler Master sehr schön und wirkt sehr großzügig. Das Gehäusedesign ist angemessen, das Board ist ebenfalls sehr stabil und scheint von guter Qualität zu sein.

2. Gamer

Das Gehäuse von Gamer bietet viel Platz, das Material ist relativ dick und die Optik ist sehr gut. Aufgrund der großen Anzahl ist es jedoch auch etwas hoch Linien während der Installation, auch etwas lästig.

3. Antec

Das Erscheinungsbild des Antec-Chassis ist sehr schlicht und schön und es sieht sehr großartig aus, da das Material besser ist, das Chassis insgesamt relativ schwer und die Qualität sehr zuverlässig ist.

4. Huntkey

Die Verarbeitung des Huntkey-Chassis ist sehr gut, das Schaltungsdesign ist angemessen, die verwendeten Materialien sind sehr praktisch, der Preis ist sehr hoch, die Schnittstellen sind vollständig und die Kabel sind lang genug, um verlegt zu werden durch den Rücken.

5. Das Xianma-Chassis hat eine durchschnittliche Qualität und ein durchschnittliches Aussehen. Das größte Merkmal ist, dass es billig ist. Allerdings ist die Stromversorgung von Xianma immer noch gut, wenn man sie mit Produkten des gleichen Preises vergleicht, ist der Kauf eines Xianma-Gehäuses immer noch sehr zuverlässig.

6. Die Marken „HEDY“ und „Big Buffalo“ sind zu bekannten Marken auf dem heimischen Computermarkt geworden und haben Ehrentitel wie „Berühmtes Markenprodukt der Provinz Guangdong“ und „Berühmtes Markenzeichen der Provinz Guangdong“ gewonnen. . Die Hauptmarke von Qixi Holdings „HEDY“ wurde mit dem Titel „Chinas bekannte Marke“ ausgezeichnet.

7. Patriot

Beijing Huaqi Information Technology Development Co., Ltd. ist ein High-Tech-Unternehmen, das 1993 in Zhongguancun, Peking, gegründet wurde. Als Kriterium verfolgt das Unternehmen seit seiner Gründung stets das „Six-Win“-Konzept, d. Erzielen Sie gemeinsam angemessene Interessen und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, um dem Unternehmen eine solide und stabile Entwicklung zu ermöglichen.

8. Jizhan

Top-Ten-Chassis-Marken, Shenzhen Jizhan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.


Foxconn Technology Group is a high-tech enterprise invested and established by Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Group in mainland China. In 1988, it invested and built a factory in Shenzhen, with CEO Terry Gou. It has established more than 30 science and technology industrial parks in mainland China from the Pearl River Delta to the Yangtze River Delta to the Bohai Rim, from the southwest to the central south to the northeast. It has more than 200 subsidiaries and agencies in Asia, America, Europe and other places, and now has more than 1.2 million employees. and the world’s top customer base.

10. ASUS

Taiwan ASUS has grown from a professional private brand to an international 3C brand with global marketing. ASUS has always adhered to uncompromising quality and innovation. The Chinese name is based on the promise of "Chinese Master", while the English name is inspired by the Pegasus "PEGASUS" in Greek mythology, which symbolizes holiness, perfection and innocence, and represents ASUS's never-ending spirit of pursuing excellence. .

5 things to pay attention to when buying a computer case

1. The thickness of the steel plate

A good case will not cut corners. The thick steel plate can ensure that the case is not easily deformed, and it also ensures the safety of the hardware inside. This is easier to judge. You can know it through visual inspection or holding it in your hands.

2. Handling of material edges and corners

Many users have experienced scratches when installing the computer. The reason is that the structure inside the chassis is full of edges and corners. Obviously, it can easily scratch people if it is not treated. When choosing a chassis, pay attention to whether the chassis has been folded. This is a relatively basic standard and requirement.

3. Heat dissipation performance

A good chassis is not only better in workmanship, but also must have good hardware stability considerations. For heat dissipation performance, at least there must be a fan outlet on the back. If you use a direct-blowing CPU radiator, it is recommended to choose a chassis with air guide side panels.

4. Expansion performance

If you want the chassis to be convenient to use, pre-install it It is important to have a complete interface. The front panel must at least have audio input and output interfaces, USB interfaces, and switch and restart configurations. If conditions permit, you can choose configurations with stronger expansion performance, such as e-sata interfaces, multi-function card readers, etc.

5. Ease of use

As the development of the chassis becomes more and more user-friendly, there are many solutions for Technical improvements in chassis usability. One of them is the screw-free hard drive compartment loading and unloading design. You can give priority to such products when purchasing a chassis.

4. Which brand of computer chassis is recommended?

The quality of the product is key, and it is also important to choose a reliable store. When buying digital products online, you must know more about the strength of the brand, whether the brand’s after-sales service is professional, etc. I bought a TT Challenger H6 before, which is very good and the price It's moderate, the service and word-of-mouth reviews are good, I recommend you check it out. You can search for Thermaltake on JD.com.

5. Which brand of computer case is better?

1. Cooler Master

Cooler Master, just like its name, has set its goal to provide the best cooling solution in the industry. Therefore, Cooler Master’s speakers are definitely ahead of other brands in terms of heat dissipation. In addition, the appearance design of Cooler Master is also very beautiful and looks very generous. The chassis design is reasonable, the board is also very strong, and it looks like it is of good quality.

2. Gamer

The chassis of Gamer has a large space, the material is relatively thick, and the appearance is very good-looking. It supports back lines, but the price is also slightly high. Due to the large number of lines during installation, Also slightly troublesome.

3. Antec

The appearance of the Antec chassis is very simple and beautiful, and it looks very grand. Because the material is better, the overall chassis is relatively heavy and the quality is very reliable.

4. Huntkey

The workmanship of the Huntkey chassis is very good, the circuit design is reasonable, the materials used are very practical, the price is very high, the interfaces are complete, and the cables are long enough to be routed through the back.

5. Xianma

Xianma chassis has average quality and average appearance. The biggest feature is that it is cheap. However, Xianma's power supply is still good. If compared with products of the same price, buying a Xianma chassis is still very reliable.

6. Big Buffalo

"HEDY" and "Big Buffalo" brands have become well-known brands in the domestic computer market, and have won honorary titles such as "Guangdong Province Famous Brand Product" and "Guangdong Province Famous Trademark". The main trademark of Qixi Holdings "HEDY" was awarded the title of "China's Well-known Trademark".

7. Patriot

Beijing Huaqi Information Technology Development Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise founded in 1993 in Zhongguancun, Beijing. Since its establishment, the company has always adhered to the "six-win" concept as its criterion, that is, ensuring that the six parties involved in the cooperation, "the public, agents, employees, companies, suppliers, and society", jointly obtain reasonable interests and development opportunities, making the company Able to achieve solid and stable development.

8. Jizhan

Top ten chassis brands, Shenzhen Jizhan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

9. Foxconn

Foxconn Technology Group is a high-tech enterprise invested and established by Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Group in mainland China. In 1988, it invested and built a factory in Shenzhen, with CEO Terry Gou. It has established more than 30 science and technology industrial parks in mainland China from the Pearl River Delta to the Yangtze River Delta to the Bohai Rim, from the southwest to the central south to the northeast. It has more than 200 subsidiaries and agencies in Asia, America, Europe and other places, and now has more than 1.2 million employees. and the world’s top customer base.

10, ASUS

From a professional private brand in Taiwan to an international 3C brand with global marketing, ASUS has always adhered to uncompromising quality and innovation. The Chinese name is based on the promise of "Chinese Master", while the English name is inspired by the Pegasus "PEGASUS" in Greek mythology, which symbolizes holiness, perfection and innocence, and represents ASUS's never-ending spirit of pursuing excellence. .

5 things to pay attention to when purchasing a computer case:

1. Thickness of the steel plate

A good case will not cut corners. The thick steel plate can ensure that the case is not easily deformed, and it also ensures the safety of the hardware inside. This is easier to judge. You can know it through visual inspection or holding it in your hands.

2. Handling of material edges and corners

Many users have experienced scratches when installing the computer. The reason is that the structure inside the chassis is full of edges and corners. Obviously, it can easily scratch people if it is not treated. When choosing a chassis, pay attention to whether the chassis has been folded. This is a relatively basic standard and requirement.

3. Heat dissipation performance

A good chassis is not only better in workmanship, but also must have good hardware stability considerations. For heat dissipation performance, at least there must be a fan outlet on the back. If you use a direct-blowing CPU radiator, it is recommended to choose a chassis with air guide side panels.

4. Expansion performance

If you want the chassis to be convenient to use, pre-install it It is important to have a complete interface. The front panel must at least have audio input and output interfaces, USB interfaces, and switch and restart configurations. If conditions permit, you can choose configurations with stronger expansion performance, such as e-sata interfaces, multi-function card readers, etc.

5. Ease of use

As the development of the chassis becomes more and more user-friendly, there are many solutions for Technical improvements in chassis ease of use. One of them is the screw-free hard drive compartment loading and unloading design. You can give priority to such products when purchasing a case.

6. What brand of computer case has good heat dissipation?


Enjie computer chassis has always had a high reputation for heat dissipation performance. Its unique design and rich heat dissipation configuration are one of the reasons for its popularity. Enjie computer chassis adopts an integrated heat dissipation design, which not only ensures a strong and stable structure, but also provides ventilation and heat dissipation functions, making the heat dissipation effect of the entire chassis quite good.

2. Xianma Segotep

Xianma Segotep computer cases have always been known for their high cost performance, and their heat dissipation performance is also quite good. Xianma's chassis adopts an all-acrylic water-cooled version, combined with a large number of heat dissipation designs, to provide good heat dissipation performance for the entire machine.

3. Cooler Master Cooler Master

Cooler Master has always been a familiar brand in the computer peripherals market, and it also has a very good performance in the chassis field. The main advantage of the Cooler Master chassis is the relatively comprehensive cooling solution, including multi-channel fans, airflow guides, filters, etc. At the same time, the material quality of the chassis itself is also very good, which can dissipate the heat inside the chassis more effectively.


Antec is one of the leading computer case brands, and its cooling performance has always been well received in the market. Antec chassis uses special materials to make the chassis shell, which makes the chassis itself stronger and more effective in preventing external heat from affecting internal devices.


CORSAIR is a high-end gaming equipment brand that also has excellent performance in the field of chassis. The CORSAIR chassis adopts an all-steel structure, combined with high-quality cooling technology, to provide a very good heat dissipation effect and is suitable for high-load work that runs for a long time.

6. Patriot PATRIOT

Patriot PATRIOT is a very cost-effective chassis brand, and its heat dissipation performance is also relatively good on the market. The Patriot chassis adopts an all-acrylic structure, which is very transparent and comes with a large number of heat dissipation holes, which provides better conditions for internal heat dissipation.

7. Which brand of computer case is best?

The quality of a computer case brand mainly depends on its quality, design and functionality. Some well-known brands such as Corsair, Cooler Master and Fractal Design are widely recognized and known for their high-quality materials, excellent cooling capabilities and innovative designs.

These brands are committed to providing stable power supply, good cooling system and convenient assembly to meet the needs of different users.

There are also brands such as NZXT and Phanteks that focus on styling and appearance design to create unique and attractive cases. Therefore, when choosing a computer case, you should consider brand reputation, user reviews, and required features based on your personal needs and preferences.

8. Which brand of camera case is good

Which brand of camera case is good - choose the camera case that suits you best

Which brand of camera case is good - choose the camera case that suits you best

As a photographer Master, your choice of camera is very important, but equally important is choosing a quality camera case. With a good camera case, you can protect your precious camera from damage and dust. So, which brand of camera case is better? This article will introduce you to several popular camera case brands to help you make an informed choice.

1. Canon

Canon is a reputable camera brand, and its camera cases are equally excellent. Canon's camera cases are made from high-quality materials and provide excellent protection. Whether you are a professional photographer or a photography enthusiast, a Canon camera case can meet your needs.

Advantages of Canon camera case: It is sturdy and durable and can effectively protect the camera from damage. Versatile design provides ample storage space and dividers. Ergonomically designed, easy to carry and use. Suitable for multiple Canon camera models, whether entry-level or professional.

Whether you are going on a trip or attending a photography event, the Canon camera case is a reliable choice.

2. Nikon

Nikon is another well-respected camera brand, and its camera cases are equally high-quality and innovative in design. Nikon camera cases use advanced materials and manufacturing processes to provide comprehensive protection for your camera.

Advantages of Nikon camera case: lightweight and sturdy, easy to carry. The inner lining is soft and effectively cushions the camera from collisions and vibrations. Multifunctional compartment design makes it easy to organize and store accessories. Waterproof and dustproof, protecting the camera from damage from the natural elements.

Nikon camera case is ideal for professional photographers and photography enthusiasts.

3. Sony

Sony is a well-reputed company in the field of digital products, and its camera cases are no exception. Sony camera cases use advanced technology and design concepts to provide all-round protection and convenience for your camera.

Advantages of Sony camera case: stylish appearance and advanced materials, showing personality and taste. Precise craftsmanship and structural design ensure the safety and stability of the camera. Multifunctional interior compartments make it easy to organize and store various accessories. Ergonomic strap and handle design provide comfortable carrying experience.

If you are a photographer who pursues fashion and high quality, Sony camera case will be your best choice.

4. Choices other than Canon, Nikon, and Sony

In addition to Canon, Nikon, and Sony, there are other camera case brands worth your consideration.

Cisco (Think Tank): Focus on the design and manufacturing of camera accessories, with excellent protection performance. Pelican: Known for its durable and waterproof design, suitable for outdoor photography activities. Lowepro: Offers various types and sizes of camera cases for different photography needs.

These brands have their own characteristics and advantages, you can make a choice based on your preferences and needs.


The choice of camera case is very important. It should not only protect your camera, but also make it convenient for you to carry and use. When choosing a camera case, you can consider well-known brands such as Canon, Nikon, and Sony, all of which offer high-quality camera case products. In addition, there are other brands such as Cisco, Palan and Rozino that are also good choices.

The most important thing is that you should make your choice based on your needs and preferences. Find the best camera case for you based on your camera model and typical usage environment. Whether you are a professional photographer or a photography enthusiast, a good camera case will be the best companion for your precious camera.

9. Which brand of main chassis is better

Which brand of main chassis is better to choose?

In the process of building a personal computer, the main chassis is a very important component. It is not only a shell that protects the internal hardware, but also affects the cooling effect and appearance design of the entire computer. So, among the many main chassis brands, how to choose the main chassis that suits you? Let us analyze which brand of main chassis is better.

1. Host case brands recognized as good quality

In the market, there are some brands recognized as good quality, such as Corsair, Cooler Master, Thermaltake, etc. They all have a good reputation and a wide user base. The main chassis of these brands have exquisite craftsmanship, reasonable heat dissipation design, and also pay attention to appearance design and detail processing.

2. How to choose a main chassis that suits you

When choosing a main chassis, you must first consider your own needs. If you are a gamer, you may need a main case with good heat dissipation and ample internal space; if you are an office user, you may pay more attention to the appearance design and silent effect of the main case.

Secondly, consider your own budget. The prices of main chassis of different brands vary greatly, and you can make a choice based on your actual situation.

Also, understand the size and compatibility of the main chassis. Some mainframes are larger and have ample internal space, suitable for installing high-performance hardware; while some are smaller and more compact, suitable for users who pursue portability.

3. Reputation and service of the main chassis brand

When choosing a main chassis brand, in addition to paying attention to the quality of the product itself, you should also consider the brand's reputation and after-sales service. A mainframe chassis brand with a good reputation can often provide better after-sales protection, allowing users to feel more assured during the purchase and use process.

On the Internet, you can search for some review articles of main chassis brands to understand the advantages and disadvantages of different brands. This is very helpful for choosing a suitable main chassis brand.

4. Innovation and development of main chassis brands

With the continuous advancement of technology, the design and functions of main chassis are also constantly innovating and developing. Some main chassis brands will launch some innovative products, such as main chassis with intelligent control functions, main chassis with unique appearance designs, etc. These products can often attract the attention of users.

Therefore, when choosing a main chassis brand, you can also pay attention to some emerging brands to see what new design concepts and technological innovations they bring.

5. Summary

Choosing a mainframe brand that suits you is not a simple matter, and many factors need to be taken into consideration. Brand reputation, product quality, after-sales service, innovation and development, etc. are all aspects that need to be considered. I hope that sharing this article can help you better choose the main chassis brand that suits you.

I hope everyone can choose a satisfactory host box and bring a better experience to their computer upgrades!

10. What kind of computer case is good

With the increasing development of computer hardware, it has become more and more important to choose a suitable computer case. So, what kind of computer case is good? This issue involves many aspects, such as heat dissipation capacity, scalability, appearance design, etc.

Heat dissipation capacity

An excellent computer case should have good heat dissipation capabilities. Thermal dissipation performance not only affects the stability of the hardware, but also extends the service life of the hardware. A good chassis is usually equipped with multiple fan positions to ensure smooth air flow and effectively reduce the temperature of the hardware.


When choosing a computer case, you also need to consider the scalability of the case. A good chassis should have enough internal space to facilitate users to install a variety of hardware devices, such as graphics cards, radiators, storage devices, etc. In addition, scalability also includes compatibility of power supplies, motherboards and other components to ensure unrestricted connections between devices.

Appearance design

In addition to functional considerations, appearance design is also one of the important factors for many users to choose a computer case. Modern computer cases come in different shapes. Some have unique and fashionable designs, while others emphasize simplicity and practicality. Users can choose the appearance of the chassis that suits them according to their personal preferences and create a personalized computer installation.

Brand and Quality

When purchasing a computer case, brand and quality are also important factors to consider. Well-known brands usually have higher production standards and quality control, product quality is guaranteed, and after-sales service is more reliable. When purchasing, it is recommended to choose formal channels to avoid purchasing products of substandard quality.

Volume and mute effect

For some users who are sensitive to computer noise, the volume and mute effect of the computer case are also factors that need to be considered. Some chassis designs can effectively isolate the noise generated by hardware operation and create a quiet working environment for users.


In general, there is no absolute standard for what kind of computer case is good, it depends on the user's personal needs and preferences. When purchasing, you can comprehensively consider the above points to choose a computer case that meets your needs and provide a good environment for your computer configuration.

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