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where the world build software

Freigeben: 2024-07-22 02:59:30
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where the world build software

Introducing Tagger: A Lightweight, Cross-Platform Command-Line Tool for File Tagging

Are you searching for a versatile and efficient way to tag your files and directories? Meet Tagger, a powerful yet lightweight command-line tool designed to make file tagging simple and effective. Written in C and released under the GNU Public License version 3, Tagger stands out for its ease of use and broad functionality.Key FeaturesCross-Platform
Support: Whether you’re using Windows, Linux, Mac OS, or Unix, Tagger works seamlessly across all these operating systems.

Non-Intrusive Tagging: Tagger doesn’t alter the files you tag, ensuring your data remains intact.
Flexible Tagging: There are no restrictions on tag names or limits on the number of tags you can use.Dependency-Free: Enjoy a clean and efficient tool with no externaldependencies.Filesystem-Based Database: Tagger uses a straightforward filesystem-based database, eliminating the need for SQL.
Instant Backup: All tagging data is stored in a single directory, making backups quick and easy https://github.com/cedricfrancoys/tagger
.Portable Encoding: Data is encoded in UTF-8, ensuring compatibility and portability.

Simple Import/Export: Easily import and export your tags with minimal hassle.For users who prefer a graphical interface, the Tagger-UI project offers a GUI version that maintains tag consistency even when files are renamed, moved, or deleted.

Download the full project source from https://github.com/cedricfrancoys/tagger either from master repository or, at your opinion, from the latest release page.


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