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Ankr & Asphere Partner with Botanix Labs to Develop Spiderchain, a Layer 2 (L2) Solution for Bitcoin

Freigeben: 2024-07-19 14:08:42
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Ankr & Asphere Partner with Botanix Labs to Develop Spiderchain, a Layer 2 (L2) Solution for Bitcoin

This collaboration aims to enhance accessibility, scalability, and reliability for Bitcoin builders and users within the Spiderchain ecosystem.

Botanix Labs, a company focused on advancing Bitcoin technology, has partnered with Ankr and Asphere to develop Spiderchain, a Layer 2 (L2) solution for Bitcoin. This collaboration aims to enhance accessibility, scalability, and reliability for Bitcoin builders and users within the Spiderchain ecosystem.

Ankr and Asphere will play a pivotal role in creating the Spiderchain L2, a groundbreaking project that brings smart contracts to the Bitcoin network. Together, they will深く掘り下げましょう!

Botanix Labs is pioneering infrastructure to transform Bitcoin beyond its role as sound money into a programmable layer foundational for the future of finance. Their innovative approach involves creating Spiderchain, the first fully decentralized EVM-equivalent L2 on Bitcoin. This layer leverages the security and decentralization of Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work (PoW) as a base settlement layer, combined with a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus model. Bitcoin will be securely staked on Spiderchain through a network of decentralized multisigs, enabling anyone to stake their BTC on the Bitcoin network.

Botanix Labs required advanced solutions to build Spiderchain, including engineering assistance from a top Web3 infrastructure provider, Layer 2 design and staking expertise, and high-performance RPC node operations for developers. Ankr and Asphere’s extensive experience in blockchain solutions made them the ideal partners for this endeavor.

Ankr and Asphere will provide bespoke services to Botanix Labs, including engineering assistance to create the Spiderchain L2. Their team, which has worked with major blockchain names like Microsoft, Binance, and Polygon, will help Botanix Labs design a custom architecture for Spiderchain. This includes implementing mechanisms such as staking, consensus, multi-sigs, and operating the network to ensure its smooth functioning.

Ankr and Asphere will deploy and operate a global network of Spiderchain nodes. This network will provide public and private endpoints for developers, enabling them to connect to the blockchain. The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) connections will be vital, allowing developers’ wallets, command-line interfaces, and decentralized applications (dApps) to interact with the Spiderchain mainnet nodes.

Botanix Labs selected Ankr and Asphere for their unparalleled experience in creating scalable blockchain infrastructure across diverse ecosystems. Their blockchain design and development expertise aligns perfectly with Botanix Labs’ vision for seamless and timely development of the Bitcoin L2 solution.

以上是Ankr & Asphere Partner with Botanix Labs to Develop Spiderchain, a Layer 2 (L2) Solution for Bitcoin的详细内容。更多信息请关注PHP中文网其他相关文章!

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