EXCEL operation method
private Excel.Application _excelApplicatin = null; _excelApplicatin = new Excel.Application(); _excelApplicatin.Visible = true; _excelApplicatin.DisplayAlerts = true; private _Workbook _workBook = null; _workBook = _excelApplicatin.Workbooks.Add(XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);//也可以打开现有的EXCEL文件 private Worksheet _workSheet = null; _workSheet = (Worksheet)_workBook.ActiveSheet; _workSheet.Name = "workSheetName"; //RowHeight "1:1"表示第一行, "1:2"表示,第一行和第二行 ((Excel.Range)_workSheet.Rows["1:1", System.Type.Missing]).RowHeight = 100; //ColumnWidth "A:B"表示第一列和第二列, "A:A"表示第一列 ((Excel.Range)_workSheet.Columns["A:B", System.Type.Missing]).ColumnWidth = 10; // EXCEL操作(需要冻结的字段 按住ALT+W 再按F) Excel.Range excelRange = _workSheet .get_Range(_workSheet .Cells[10, 5], _workSheet .Cells[10, 5]);//也可以A1:F1选择第一行的1-6列 excelRange.Select(); excelApplication.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = true; //Borders.LineStyle 单元格边框线 Excel.Range excelRange = _workSheet.get_Range(_workSheet.Cells[2, 2], _workSheet.Cells[4, 6]); //单元格边框线类型(线型,虚线型) excelRange.Borders.LineStyle = 1; excelRange.Borders.get_Item(XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; //指定单元格下边框线粗细,和色彩 excelRange.Borders.get_Item(XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom).Weight = Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlMedium; excelRange.Borders.get_Item(XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom).ColorIndex =3; //设置字体大小 excelRange.Font.Size = 15; //设置字体是否有下划线 excelRange.Font.Underline = true; //设置字体在单元格内的对其方式 excelRange.HorizontalAlignment = XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter; //设置单元格的宽度 excelRange.ColumnWidth = 15; //设置单元格的背景色 excelRange.Cells.Interior.Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 204, 153).ToArgb(); // 给单元格加边框 excelRange.BorderAround(XlLineStyle.xlContinuous, XlBorderWeight.xlThick, XlColorIndex.xlColorIndexAutomatic, System.Drawing.Color.Black.ToArgb()); //自动调整列宽 excelRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit(); // 文本水平居中方式 excelRange.HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter; //文本自动换行 excelRange.WrapText = true; //填充颜色为淡紫色 excelRange.Interior.ColorIndex = 39; //合并单元格 excelRange.Merge(excelRange.MergeCells); _workSheet.get_Range("A15", "B15").Merge(_workSheet.get_Range("A15", "B15").MergeCells); /// <summary> /// 常用颜色定义,对就Excel中颜色名 /// </summary> public enum ColorIndex { 无色 = -4142, 自动 = -4105, 黑色 = 1, 褐色 = 53, 橄榄 = 52, 深绿 = 51, 深青 = 49, 深蓝 = 11, 靛蓝 = 55, 灰色80 = 56, 深红 = 9, 橙色 = 46, 深黄 = 12, 绿色 = 10, 青色 = 14, 蓝色 = 5, 蓝灰 = 47, 灰色50 = 16, 红色 = 3, 浅橙色 = 45, 酸橙色 = 43, 海绿 = 50, 水绿色 = 42, 浅蓝 = 41, 紫罗兰 = 13, 灰色40 = 48, 粉红 = 7, 金色 = 44, 黄色 = 6, 鲜绿 = 4, 青绿 = 8, 天蓝 = 33, 梅红 = 54, 灰色25 = 15, 玫瑰红 = 38, 茶色 = 40, 浅黄 = 36, 浅绿 = 35, 浅青绿 = 34, 淡蓝 = 37, 淡紫 = 39, 白色 = 2 }
The above is the detailed code introduction of C# operating EXCEL. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (m.sbmmt.com)!