Gold lecturer
A total of 60 coursesStudent13851 Lecturer rating5.9
You will learn:
Swoft is a high-performance PHP coroutine framework developed based on Swoole extension. It is lightweight, high-performance, flexible and scalable. This course will lead students to learn and master the use of the Swoft framework from scratch through a series of chapters. In the first chapter, we will learn how to create a basic HTTP API and introduce the simulation of commodity API and the use of RequestMapping annotations. In the next few chapters, we will learn how to create product lists, product detail pages, and use regular expressions to control routing path parameters. In Chapter 5, we will initially learn how to use middleware and modify the return value of the controller method. In Chapters 6, 7, and 8, we will learn how to obtain GET parameters and POST parameters, and simulate product modification operations. In Chapters 9, 10, and 11, we will learn how to automatically convert JSON parameters into entity objects and use reflection to execute setter functions. In Chapter 12, we will learn the basic configuration of the database and use native queries to obtain product details. In Chapters 13 and 14 we will learn how to use validators and practice controlling character length validation. In Chapter 15, we will learn more ways to use the validator, including validation types and non-annotation usage, and upgrade the Swoft version. Finally, in Chapter 16, we will learn about database connection pooling
Swoft2.x quick learning http api course
Chapter1 Swoft2.x quick learning http api articleretractSection1 01 Basic routines for creating http api, product API simulation, RequestMapping annotationsduration: 13 minutes 14 secondsduration: 05 minutes 48 secondsduration: 04 minutes 31 secondsduration: 03 minutes 12 secondsduration: 14 minutes 04 secondsduration: 07 minutes 52 secondsduration: 06 minutes 45 secondsduration: 05 minutes 01 secondsduration: 11 minutes 09 secondsduration: 12 minutes 38 secondsduration: 03 minutes 46 secondsduration: 05 minutes 30 secondsduration: 05 minutes 20 secondsduration: 05 minutes 05 secondsduration: 09 minutes 36 secondsduration: 06 minutes 35 seconds
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