Thinkphp5.1 development practice
The teaching is based on the ThinkPHP5.1 framework and three classic development projects are selected to allow everyone to master the most practical development skills in the shortest time. For employment, everything is carried out in a real environment, allowing everyone to master the skills as quickly as possible. Adapt to real development scenarios~~
33956 person learning
78class hour
01 days 18 hours 59 minutes 45 secondsTotal course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 51 courses Student5296 Lecturer rating5.9
You will learn:
1. Basic operating process of PHP framework 2. Development basis of ThinkPHP5.1 framework 3. Practical development of ThinkPHP5.1
Thinkphp5.1 development practice
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01 days 18 hours 59 minutes 45 seconds Watch videos anytime
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