Quickly get started with the Golang Gin framework [Use Gin to build a million-level concurrent IM instant messaging system]
Gin is a web framework written in Go language. It has fast running speed, grouped router, good crash capture and error handling, and very good support for middleware and json. In short, it is a web framework worth studying in the field of Go language development. Open source URL: https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin
19787 person learning
33 class hour
08 hours 29 minutes 57 seconds Total course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 coursesStudent180295 Lecturer rating5.9
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Gin is a web framework written in Go language. It has fast running speed, grouped router, good crash capture and error handling, and very good support for middleware and json. In short, it is a web framework worth studying in the field of Go language development. Open source URL: https://github.com/gin-gonic/gin
Quickly get started with the Golang Gin framework [Use Gin to build a million-level concurrent IM instant messaging system]
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08 hours 29 minutes 57 seconds Watch videos anytime
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