Symfony Tutorial (Introduction + Basics)
Simple template functionality Symfony is an open source PHP web framework. Based on best web development practices, several websites have been developed entirely using this framework. Symfony aims to accelerate the creation and maintenance of web applications. Its features are: 1. Cache management; 2. Custom URLs; 3. Built some basic modules; 4. Multi-language and I18N support; 5. Separation of object model and MVC; 6. Ajax support; 7. Suitable for Enterprise application development.
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Simple template functionality Symfony is an open source PHP web framework. Based on best web development practices, several websites have been developed entirely using this framework. Symfony aims to accelerate the creation and maintenance of web applications. Its features are: 1. Cache management; 2. Custom URLs; 3. Built some basic modules; 4. Multi-language and I18N support; 5. Separation of object model and MVC; 6. Ajax support; 7. Suitable for Enterprise application development.
Symfony Tutorial (Introduction + Basics)
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01 hours 28 minutes 45 seconds Watch videos anytime
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