PHP MVC architecture development blog project
MVC forces the application's input, processing, and output to be separated. Applications using MVC are divided into three core components: model, view, and controller. They each handle their own tasks. Its advantages are: low coupling, high reusability, fast deployment, and high maintainability.
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70 class hour
01 days 16 hours 44 minutes 42 seconds Total course duration
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A total of 180 coursesStudent180295 Lecturer rating5.7
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MVC forces the application's input, processing, and output to be separated. Applications using MVC are divided into three core components: model, view, and controller. They each handle their own tasks. Its advantages are: low coupling, high reusability, fast deployment, and high maintainability.
PHP MVC architecture development blog project
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01 days 16 hours 44 minutes 42 seconds Watch videos anytime
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