PHP zero basic clearance guide
Course Introduction 1. Build environment Introduction to PHP, access process of WEB programs, installation of Apache, MySQL, PHP7, and configuration of virtual host 2. PHP7 basics Variables and constants, data types, operators, flow control, functions, strings, arrays, PSR specifications 3. MySQL database Introduction to MySQL, basic SQL operations, character sets, column types, class attributes, table relationships, advanced queries, foreign keys, paradigms, user management, permission management, data backup and restoration 4. Form value transfer Ways to pass values in forms, three ways for PHP to receive data, PHP to process check box data, and file uploads
64835 person learning
78 class hour
16 hours 57 minutes 51 seconds Total course duration
Gold lecturer
A total of 180 coursesStudent180295 Lecturer rating5.8
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You will learn:
Course Introduction 1. Build environment Introduction to PHP, access process of WEB programs, installation of Apache, MySQL, PHP7, and configuration of virtual host 2. PHP7 basics Variables and constants, data types, operators, flow control, functions, strings, arrays, PSR specifications 3. MySQL database Introduction to MySQL, basic SQL operations, character sets, column types, class attributes, table relationships, advanced queries, foreign keys, paradigms, user management, permission management, data backup and restoration 4. Form value transfer Ways to pass values in forms, three ways for PHP to receive data, PHP to process check box data, and file uploads
PHP zero basic clearance guide
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16 hours 57 minutes 51 seconds Watch videos anytime
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