CSS navigation bar
Using CSS you can transform it into a beautiful navigation bar instead of a boring HTML menu.
Use html and css to create a horizontal navigation bar
##li Set float:left;
①You can set margin for ul, but when set to margin:100px auto, ul cannot be centered②ul has a height of 0.
③ You can set the width for li and adjust the width freely.
④You can set margin for li so that there is space between li.
⑤You can set display:block for a; make the whole area clickable.
⑥If you want the links to have the same size, you must use float instead of display:inline;
li to set display:inline-block;
Remarks:①Set margin:100px auto for ul; you can center ul on the left and right.
② Even if li has no margin, there will still be spaces between each li.
③You can set display:block; on a to make the whole area clickable.
Use html and css to create a vertical navigation bar
Inline list:
- 奇才
- 村村
- 天干
- 才工
- 雪原