HTML list

The structure of the list
The HTML list element is a structure enclosed by a list tag, and the included list items are composed of

  • .

    Making an unordered list

    As the name suggests, an unordered list means that the list items in the list structure have no order. List form. Lists in most web applications use unordered lists, and their list tags use

      . The writing method is as follows:

      • List items One

      • List item two

      • List item three

      • List item four
      • ;
      • List item five

      Making an ordered list

      As the name suggests , an ordered list is a list form in which the list items in the list structure are in order. There can be various sequence numbers from top to bottom, such as 1, 2, 3 or a, b, c, etc.

      Write the code as shown in the code.

      • HTML
      • CSS
      • JavaScript
      • FLASH
      1. ASP
      3. PHP
      4. CGI
      5. Ruby
      6. Python

      Make a custom list

      A definition list semantically represents a combination of items and their comments. It starts with the

      tag (definition lists) , the custom list item starts with
      (definition title), and the definition of the custom list item starts with
      (definition description).



      CSS concepts
      CSS applications

      CSS hacks

      < ;/dl>

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