AJAX provides users with a more friendly and interactive search experience.
AJAX Live Search
In the following example, we will demonstrate a real-time search that can be obtained while you type the data. search results.
Real-time search has many advantages over traditional search:
1. When you type in data, matching results will be displayed
2. When continuing When typing data, filter the results
3. If there are too few results, delete characters to get a wider range
Enter "HTML" in the text box below to search for HTML Page:
##The results in the above example are in an XML file (links.xml) Search in . To keep this example small and simple, we only provide 6 results.
Explanation of examples - HTML page
When the user types characters in the input box above, the "showResult()" function will be executed. This function is triggered by the "onkeyup" event:
Source code explanation:
If the input box is empty (str.length==0), this function will Clear the contents of the livesearch placeholder and exit the function.
If the input box is not empty, then showResult() will perform the following steps:
1. Create an XMLHttpRequest object
2. Create a function that is executed when the server response is ready
3. Send a request to the file on the server
4. Please pay attention to the parameter (q) added to the end of the URL (contains the content of the input box)
PHP file
The server page called above through JavaScript is a PHP file named "livesearch.php".
The source code in "livesearch.php" searches the XML file for titles that match the search string and returns the results:
load("links.xml"); $x=$xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('link'); // 从 URL 中获取参数 q 的值 $q=$_GET["q"]; // 如果 q 参数存在则从 xml 文件中查找数据 if (strlen($q)>0) { $hint=""; for($i=0; $i<($x->length); $i++) { $y=$x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('title'); $z=$x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('url'); if ($y->item(0)->nodeType==1) { // 找到匹配搜索的链接 if (stristr($y->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue,$q)) { if ($hint=="") { $hint="" . $y->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue . ""; } else { $hint=$hint . "
" . $y->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue . ""; } } } } } // 如果没找到则返回 "no suggestion" if ($hint=="") { $response="no suggestion"; } else { $response=$hint; } // 输出结果 echo $response; ?>
If JavaScript sends any text (i.e. strlen($q ) > 0), what will happen:
1) Load the XML file into a new XML DOM object
2) Traverse all
elements to find a match passed by JavaScript Text
<p></p>3) Set the correct URL and title in the "$response" variable. If more than one match is found, all matches are added to the variable.
<p></p>4) If no match is found, set the $response variable to "no suggestion".
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