File copy and delete functions
1, modify the front-end code
Add get parameters to the copy and delete buttons respectively, so that they can send the file id ( file) and action type action
The code is as follows:
<?php <a href="?file=<?php echo $v['file_id'];?>&action=copy">复制</a>| <a href="?file=<?php echo $v['file_id'];?>&action=del">删除</a>
2, get the get parameters for copy and delete operations
First obtain the get parameter file_id in index.php, then query the file table netdisk_file, and obtain the corresponding file information that needs to be copied and deleted.
Perform the copy operation of the file copy() and delete operation unlink()
The code is as follows:
<?php //获取get参数 $file_id=isset($_GET['file'])?intval($_GET['file']):0; //复制和删除功能 $action=isset($_GET['action'])?trim($_GET['action']):""; if($action=="del"){ // unset(); $sql="select *from netdisk_file where file_id=$file_id"; $del_file=fetchRow($sql); unlink($del_file['file_save']); //删除数据库里的数据 $sql="delete from netdisk_file where file_id=$file_id"; if(!mysql_query($sql)){ echo '数据库数据删除失败'; }; }elseif ($action=="copy"){ $sql="select *from netdisk_file where file_id=$file_id"; $copy_file=fetchRow($sql); $filesavename=$copy_file['file_save']; if(file_exists("$filesavename.bak")){ echo '文件名冲突,复制失败'; } if(!copy("$filesavename","$filesavename.bak")){ echo "复制失败"; }else{ $file_copy_name=$copy_file["file_name"]; $file_copy_size=$copy_file["file_size"]; $file_copy_id=$copy_file["folder_id"]; $sql="insert into netdisk_file (file_name,file_save,file_size,file_time,folder_id) values('$file_copy_name.bak','$filesavename.bak',$file_copy_size,now(),$file_copy_id)"; if(!mysql_query($sql)){ unlink($uploadfile_save); echo "写入数据库出错"; } } }
3, effect display
Copy display:
Click the page before copying:
Click to finish After copying:
Changes in the database:
Delete display:
Page before deletion:
Page after deletion:
##Corresponding database Changes have also occurred