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OA system source code

PHP Chinese website free source code download site: carefully selects popular OA office system source codes for you, including the latest mobile office OA system, and has detailed installation tutorials for you to download and use for free!

Popular Recommendations

PHPOA open source collaborative OA office system source code

PHPOA office system is a universal collaborative OA management software suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises. It integrates PHPOA's long-term rich experience and advanced technology in management software development. The system adopts the leading B/S (browser/server) operation method, making Online office is not subject to geographical restrictions. PHPOA uses the agile MVC development framework, supports distributed development of multiple modules, has a unified layout, and has a simple yet serious interface.

Purchase, sale and inventory product inventory management system v2.22 source code

The purchase, sales and inventory product inventory management system is a comprehensive application solution based entirely on WEB, a true B/S model, developed using asp, without any installation, and only requires a browser. Business leaders, business personnel, and operators can use it at different times. , location, and can dynamically reflect all aspects of the company's business in a timely manner. Product warehousing, warehousing inquiry, inventory management, inventory transfer, product outbound, outbound inquiry, statistical report, member management, employee management, salary management, unit management, warehouse management, voucher management, asset management, running account Manage product categories

Hospital patient file OA background management template

Hospital patient file OA background management template, frame structure, full set of templates, including login, background home page, disease diagnosis, file management, user management, data management, website information management, system settings, friendly links and other HTML background template pages.

Blue daily office OA management system backend template

Blue daily office OA management system backend template, DIV+CSS layout design, a full set of templates, including login, daily office, training management, message push, address book management, notifications, file management, system management and other HTML backend template pages.

Jinke CRM customer relationship management system v5.2.2.7

Jinke CRM customer management system is mainly developed to help enterprises solve customer management and other problems encountered in daily work. Through Jinke CRM customer management system, different functions in corporate affairs can be operated. Users can customize field types through It can meet the needs of different enterprises. The most complete customer information of an enterprise is managed in the Jinke customer relationship management system. The comprehensive customer information covers all aspects of the enterprise's entire front-end office field, such as marketing, sales, service and technical support. The added value it brings to the enterprise is limitless. Jinke CRM Customer Management Department

Comprehensive service platform OA backend management template

Comprehensive service platform OA backend management template, a full set of templates, including proposal submission, proposal inquiry, proposal seconding, proposal evaluation, proposal statistics, online consultation, social situation and public opinion filling, social situation and public opinion query, adoption draft directory, social situation and public opinion reply, public opinion statistics, meeting HTML backend template pages for event viewing, meeting event registration, meeting sign-in, duty performance records, objections and suggestions, notification messages, download center, personal information maintenance, etc.

Bangguanke CRM customer management system

Enterprise computing based on WEB, developed with PHP+MySQL, with stable and reliable performance, centralized control of data access, avoiding the possibility of data leakage, using encrypted data transmission parameters to protect system data security, multi-level authority control, and complete password verification The login mechanism further enhances system security.

Yunsheng CRM customer management system v3.6

Yunsheng CRM customer management system is mainly developed to help enterprises solve customer management and other problems encountered in daily work. Through this system, different functions in corporate affairs can be operated. Users can customize field types to suit different needs. Enterprise needs. The most complete customer information of an enterprise is managed in the "Yunsheng CRM Customer Management System". The comprehensive customer information covers all aspects of the enterprise's entire front-end office field, including marketing, sales, service and technical support. The added value it brings to the enterprise is limitless. This product is a sales management system for small and medium-sized enterprises.
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