Javascript submit does not contain submit button value
P粉957661544 2023-10-22 09:40:15

Well this is not a question but just for my information (since I can think of about 4 different workarounds to make it work. However I have a form (nothing special) but the submit button has something to do with The specific value associated with it.

<input type='submit' name='submitDocUpdate' value='Save'/>

After submitting the form, I check the name.

if(isset($_POST['submitDocUpdate'])){ //do stuff

However, one time I tried to submit the form via Javascript instead of the submit button.


Everything is working fine except 1 problem. When I look at the $_POST value submitted via the javascript method, it does not include SubmitDocUpdate. I get all other values ​​of the form but not the submit button value.

Like I said, I can think of a few ways to fix it (using a hidden variable, checking isset on another form variable, etc.), but I just want to know if this is the correct behavior for Submit(), Because it doesn't seem very intuitive to me. Thanks in advance.


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Use jQuery 1.0 or higher:


I was actually solving the same problem when I stumbled across this post. click() without any parameters triggers a click event on any element you select:

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